> What are the top 5 influences on global temperatures?

What are the top 5 influences on global temperatures?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Factors which influence climate include

1. The Sun

2. Green house gases

3. Earth's albedo

4. Clouds

5. Aerosols

Ignore denialist claims that Earth has not been warming for 17.8 years. That is a lie. I find it unbelievable that they would keep making a claim with is so easy to check.


And if the Sun had anything to do with recent temperature trends, Earth would be cooling.


You have to be more specific to get good answers.

Are you asking what influences that actual temperature, or are you asking about the temperature change in the past 150 years? The sun overwhelms anything else for actual temperatures, not so much for the recent change.

Are you asking about the temperature of entire global environment, or just of the troposphere? Ocean circulation patterns has large effects on the transfer of heat between the troposphere and oceans but do no much effect the entirely of heat retained by both.

It takes 100s of millions of years but continental drift is a massive influence on climate when the land masses (continents) are mashed together as one giant supercontinent. Volcanoes have a very drastic and rapid effect on climate. Krakatoa blew up in the latter part of the 19th century and caused a few years of global cooling. Antlantic and Pacific multidecal oscillations in the oceans have a major influence as does El Nino and La Nina events. Concentrations of vegetation have an impact as well. Evidence is mounting that solar cycles in the sun have a significant role in climate.

Just a few. I did not mention CO2 because CO2 has been increasing for the past 17.8 years but the global temperature has not. It seems that CO2 has very insignificant amount of impact on the climate.

man made greenhouse gases

deforestation (which is man made CO2 but not an artificial source)

Positive feedback CO2 release from oceans

Positive feedback from water vapor

natural methane release fro under Arctic ice and from under the Permafrost

In that order but the methane release a result of GW from mans activities

James Hansen cooking the books.

Phil Jones cooking the books.

East Angola cooking the books.

Michael Mann Cooking the books.

The UN-IPCC cooking the books.

Obviously increasing greenhouse gasses would be one, but what else is influencing the temperatures?

Man-made or natural, what 5 have the most effect, and roughly what percentage of the total is each responsible for?

Please note, I am asking about the current situation, not what happened hundreds or thousands of years ago.

Lastly, I'm guessing that 5 would cover most of the influence, and anything left would be too little to make much difference. Feel free to list more or less if you don't agree. Thanks.