> Does "global warming" cause hemorrhoids ?

Does "global warming" cause hemorrhoids ?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
We need a study done to find out.

From the Alarmist view point, GW is induced by hemorrhoids. Not the other way around.


Check out this site http://www.goobypls.com/r/rd.asp?gid=412... I read their ebook: it explains how to naturally get rid of hemorrhoids without drugs or surgery.

It helped me a lot

It's a very simple and nice software.

According to actual climate scientists and people who know about global warming, it causes X, Y and Z.

According to the sceptics they claim that global warming has been cited as the cause of just about everything that’s happened in the last 30 years.

If you believe the sceptics then haemorrhoids will have been blamed on global warming. If you believe sensible people then the answer is no.

Stick to getting info about global warming from reliable sources.

No what you eat causes constipation and then, if not corrected by changing your diet and drinking lots of water, you could develop a case of hemorrhoids. Very very uncomfortable- better to eat 3 apples a day believe me.

OH MY GOSH, is that the problem?

Many years ago, I moved from CT to CA, and now ..... well, you know.

Do I really have to move back to CT?

I read about the weather they're having, and it doesn't look all that appealing.

Would it be okay if I just turned the thermostat down in the house?

Or kept the AC on all winter?

Or opened the car windows all the time when I'm driving?

How 'bout if I put a room AC in the bathroom and kept it cold all the time.

Would that fix the problem?

Of course, one might ask if that was the only problem that's caused by global warming.

Has it caused my hair to turn grey?

Or to have less hair on top of my head?

What else might be blamed on global warming?

This is really worrisome.

Global Warming theory is entirely consistent with hemorrhoids.

In fact, 97% of climate scientists agree: "It is worse than they thought!"

Did you tested Hemorrhoid No More technique? Look on this website : http://hemorrhoidsgoaway.com/ . This might immediately manage one and all!

Hemorrhoids are a pain in the rear end. That sure describes these Global Warming Greenies.

I guess the new solution for AGW will be Preparation H.

NO, Global Warming ended in 2012. Mike

YES!! that is how I got mine. My solution was to move to Nome Alaska.

Ask someone who has moved to a warmer climate.

This is the level of denialist discourse? Why do we even bother? We've won

Yes because it is a pain in the A.S.S.

Don't be silly. It causes hives.

Why not. AGW is causing everything else according to cultist true believers.
