> Is this Climate McCarthyism?

Is this Climate McCarthyism?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

This is one of the reasons I used to be a democrat. They used to believe in great things like getting us out of wars, supporting less-fortunate countries. They stood against us setting up dictatorships.

We have decimated Mexico and many Latin American countries with our drug money funding their drug cartels. These are things that democrats were against with simple solutions like legalizing MJ. Now they are pleased as punch to have many Africans die because of lack of power while they pretend to be stopping a non-existent climate apocalypse.

These people here that think they are good democrats drove me away from their party.

Amazing that someone like you would have the gall to bring up McCarthyism. Let's see what Jim Z has to say on this--he has repeatedly defended McCarthy as some sort of American hero.

Most "think tanks" are political, so if someone that works for them disagrees with their views, it is no surprise if they get fired. That's hardly McCarthyism--outside of civil service, people that actively work against the goals of their organization get fired every single day.

How long do you think Patrick Michaels would last at the Cato Institute or Fred Singer at the Heartland Institute if they started advocated carbon taxes to address global warming?

EDIT: "...execution of climate change skeptics" and "...every AGW skeptic...forced to register...like sex offenders"

Wow, you're completely insane, aren't you? If you really believe this garbage that you spew, you need help. Really.

His 'termination' by IPS was unfortunate, but not surprising. Such Mutual Admiration Organizations....Liberal or Conservative....focus on a specific philosophy or stance. Those that they fund/support are expected to enhance/back their positions.

That's the way is goes. I doubt that a Catholic Priest could avoid excommunication if he decided to encourage abortion.

The only thing that I could disagree with him about would be his calling it an "unproved science" since this has nothing to do with true science!

This has never been about 'SCIENCE'. It has always only ever been about politics!

Actually it is worse. McCarthy was fighting an actual enemy, Communism. These greenies are just protecting their jobs, a bogus theory and saving Al Gores derriere. It wouldn't be so bad if they really had an enemy of the earth but they don't. However, highly educated people like Peggy seem to think they know more about the earth than God himself. Of course they get paid to lie.

>> Update 2: Peg - actions speak louder than words, don't they.<<

Indeed they do – actions like your constant stupid and dishonest questions and answers; your constant lying about evidence, science, scientists; and your constant lying that you are not a liar that knows as much about science and climate as a rock.


jim --

>>This has never been about 'SCIENCE'. It has always only ever been about politics!<<

That is certainly true for scientifically illiterate Deniers like you. The fact that you are too stupid to understand AGW does not mean that AGW is not real.

It is denialists who call people who disagree with them "Communists," just like McCarthy did.


UPDATE. James: time to change medication.

Why yes it is
