> Is this expression about climate change true or was the person seeking a political agenda?

Is this expression about climate change true or was the person seeking a political agenda?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Someone on the news today said that the earth's weather is like someone's mood but the climate is like a person's personality.

What kind of mood was IPCC official Ottmar Edenhofer in when he said

“…one has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. Instead, climate change policy is about how we redistribute de facto the world’s wealth…”

The analogy that was used is a good one.

Weather is what we experience on a day to day basis, it’s the result of short-term and localised events in the atmosphere, they come together in a variety of ways to create the weather we get. Weather can change quickly and from one day to the next there can be significant variation; just like a person’s mood can change.

The climate is actually nothing more than the weather averaged over a long period of time, normally 30 years or more. Because it’s an average it takes into account all the short-term variations and smoothes them out; in this respect it’s more like a personality.

The climate for a given place could be for warm and dry weather, but that doesn’t mean there can’t be the odd cold or wet day. Similarly, a person may have a kind and gentle personality but from time to time they could be mean and aggressive.

Yes, I think it is partially true. He is saying that the weather changes more frequently while climate is a long term series of patterns. The person clearly does not believe that recent changes in climate are an issue, just part of a larger pattern. I would agree with this but argue that if climate is like personality, our planet is going through a major mid-life crisis.

that's actually a really good analogy

weather is day to day and changes constantly , it has nothing to do with climate

climate is a long term thing that depends on water temperatures world wide ,the jet stream . how many trees there are the atmosphere and many other factors

Basically what this means is that just because it is cold today does not mean the world is not getting warmer and just because it might rain tomorrow does not mean we are not going into a period of drought

It is both. It is true that weather varies more than climate.

The reason the person was saying this is to counter the idea that the snow means no global warming.

He would not be saying this during a heat wave or drought, when suddenly it would be described as proof of global warming, a sign of things to come.

yes its really happening but they can only guess using info from ice cores and ground (like archaeologist) and follow the line of thinking that when similar things are in the environment like it was during this weather way back when,,,then its likely to follow the same patterns that the weather was then. However because changes in the past happened slow say over 1,000 and we are comparing them to changes due to pollution (which carbon is just one of the chemicals in pollution,) that are happing on the same large scale but in a decade or two (10 or 20 years not thousands) we can only guess...they have seen "tipping points after they tip so they are often guessing at what point (when is enough too much) is and because we can't measure the past or present exactly we might not know until its too late and the effects are actually split still...because they can't agree if it will be a runaway green house effect, or a snowball earth effect when it does rich that tipping point they settled on "climate change."

Yes weather is one mood, while climate is a combination of all moods put together

Cy...Get a grip You are so far off target when it comes to climate, you are aiming 180 degrees the wrong way

Most likely it was a political agenda. It is not only yucky to get into the mind of a whack job, it is futile.

That sounds pretty good.

What a load of abstract crap


Someone on the news today said that the earth's weather is like someone's mood but the climate is like a person's personality.