> Why do industries pollute?

Why do industries pollute?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
It seems to be in the very nature of industries arising in the industrial revolution to "pollute the environment" as they are constructing and energizing society. Fuels are burned and the fumes rise in the air (and block the stars at night, except for the planets venus and mars). And effluents flow into the rivers and waterways (and kill the fish). And so on. You gain one thing, and lose another.


I doubt that there is enough time left to solve this problem.


But we also have enother problem. I wonder if you can guess what it is.

What countries are you talking about. In the US we have the EPA. I worked at a plant that had a regenerative therm oxidizer, and the air coming out of it was purer that the ambient air. The EPA had us test it every six months by certified people. And the certification was very hard to come by.

Gary F: < In the US, business and industry was left largely unchecked until the mid-late 1960s when environmental pollution and contamination reached the point that entire communities of people were becoming sick and dying.> So what did the EPA do? Take Pittsburgh, for example, the iron and steel mills closed down and moved to China. The Earth still has the same amount pf pollution and the US has high unemployment and a suicide rate higher than automobile deaths. Great job EPA, you just created the food stamp generation. But your buddy Al Gore is worth $200,000,000 in cash alone and George Soros made $1 billion in one day. But you fellows are doing a great job.

Quote by Ottmar Edenhoffer, high level UN-IPCC official: "We redistribute de facto the world's wealth by climate policy...Basically it's a big mistake to discuss climate policy separately from the major themes of globalization...One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. This has almost nothing to do with environmental policy anymore."

Well you fellows have redistributed very nicely, INTO YOUR OWN POCKETS.

Industries are in the business of making money. Concern for the natural and human environments is not part of their agenda. It is not a matter of good / bad, it's just the way it is. In the US, business and industry was left largely unchecked until the mid-late 1960s when environmental pollution and contamination reached the point that entire communities of people were becoming sick and dying.

Industry can cry, whine, and complain about environmental regulations all they want, but they brought in on themselves and they have no one to blame except themselves.

All of us pollute.....businesses, governments and we as individuals....heck...we are polluting as we key our Q&A's on this board.

It's what we do with the pollution after it is produced that can impact the environment.

I believe that most of Western society does a pretty good job of mitigating the potential negative effects of pollution.

Generally, because it's cheaper and/or easier to dump your waste products in the air, water, or soil than it is to either properly and safely collect and dispose of those waste products, or design your industrial processes such that they produce no objectionable wastes.

GREED, the prime factor in maximizing the profit margin.