> Why have the ocean levels stayed the same so far?

Why have the ocean levels stayed the same so far?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
You make too much sense. You have a real scientific analytically mind. It is so reasonable isn't it?

We have artist's conceptions of the level of the Thames river. A river whose portion is at sea level. The level of the sea is now the same as it was back in the 1400s. Take the Plymouth Rock, the place where the Pilgrims landed. The sea level is the same as when they came centuries ago.

Now contrast that with the UN predictions.

Quote by Noel Brown, UN official: "Entire nations could be wiped off the face of the Earth by rising sea levels if the global warming trend is not reversed by the year 2000. Coastal flooding and crop failures would create an exodus of "eco-refugees," threatening political chaos." (Editor: Yes, he meant the year 2000.)

Now who are you going to believe. Your life experience or people like that?

You are more of a scientist than all these calamity howlers put together, even if you don't have a degree.

Unfortunately every measurement system we have disagrees with what you personally have observed. The sea level *is* rising at about 3 mm per year.

That might not sound much but that's 3 cm a decade or about a foot a century. With many low lying cities, the issue isn't tides but storm surges. Let's put it this way ... imagine you have 1 square kilometre of water that's 1 cm thick. The total mass of that water would be 10,000 tonnes. So, would an extra 1 cm of sea level make a difference to the damage caused during a flood? Would an additional 10,000 tonnes of moving water do more damage?

Ocean level does not lower or risen too fast. Whatever that you think "they" want you to believe is most probably not truth.

There are hundreds of thousands or even millions of years should pass for the ocean level to change in any way.

The only exception may be global catastrophe that would wipe out oceans out of face of the Earth or some large icy comet explosion on the face of Earth to make oceans bigger.

Tsunami would be another case, but that has only temporary short time local effect on the level of water, not the level of the ocean.

The other factor may affect "ocean level" is rising or falling of the ground on the shore of the ocean. Some Earth plates go up, others go down. Depends on their movement the ocean level may look higher or lower in certain point of time. But these movements are also very slow and most probably won't be noticed in few hundred years. But that phenomena does not show ocean level, it only shows the Earth plate movement.

At the moment, sea levels are only rising at about 3 mm per year. But that changes, depending on where you are.

Here's a map of the sea level rise over the past 20 or so years:


Red means the seas are rising faster there, blue means they're falling in that location and green means they've stayed about the same. Overall, because of melting ice and water expanding as it warms up, the seas are rising, but they're not rising everywhere. Even in 30+ years time, the sea levels near Greenland are expected to fall because as Greenland gets lighter, its gravity gets weaker and it stops 'pulling' the ocean towards it as much.

There's been a cyclical change in the trade winds that has helped to pile up water in the western Pacific, which is the big red bit on the map. This cycle has been going for hundreds of thousands of years, so we know it'll swing back sometime. If you live near a green or blue area you won't notice the sea level rise we've had so far, but it is speeding up and as the water sloshes around you're likely to notice more changes in your area.

you can observe a rise of a fraction of an inch over the ocean? I bet you cant detect the rise of global temperatures or number of bacteria in your gut either. I think that's why we have scientists and measurement devices.

The mean sea level trend is 4.44 millimeters/year

Above normal sea level rise is only happening in the failed climate models, it's NOT happening in the real world. Some in this thread say that sea levels are rising at 3mm per year, even that is an exaggeration. Tide gauge data says it more like 1.5mm per year and that's normal and to be expected since the world has in fact warmed a little over the last century.

Nils-Axel Morner - Actual Sea Level Study


The University of Colorado is where the Sea Level Research Group is located. They have been accused of promoting the man-made Global Warming agenda and adjusting their data upward without good reason. http://www.foxnews.com/scitech/2011/06/1...

And they are lying about the polar bears too: http://www.ibtimes.com/articles/190805/2...

And they also appear to be wrong about the coral reefs: http://australianclimatemadness.com/2012...

For the full story on the man-made Global Warming scam watch these:

The Great Global Warming Swindle

Those whose homes once high and dry but now underwater would disagree with you

I couldn't agree more with you I am 67yrs old and have spent most of my life on and off, next to the beach and I can't see any rise either.

Obama stood at the Sea and razed his hand and stopped this from happening . And good for you ,be careful , the Earth worshipers are evil . got to the Bible and see .

If you tell me there's an algae bloom in the middle of the pacific, or that the coral reefs are disappearing, or that polar bears are drowning,I pretty much have to take your word for it. But if I've lived next to the ocean all my life and the tide still rises and falls in the same way, to the same height, and the sandstone trail on the cliff from my childhood is still there unaffected by any rise in ocean water.... It's going to be hard for me to believe that the ocean level has risen like you said it would all these years.