> Have AGW Cultists been trying to rewrite history again?

Have AGW Cultists been trying to rewrite history again?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

Well I don't think that's really a new thing. However, I've always been puzzled as to why anybody thinks the global cooling scare (however prevalent or not it was in the 70s) could mean anything today.

The skeptic side keeps bringing up like it matters (i.e. you were wrong back then and you're wrong now) and the warmist side keeps trying to play it down (i.e. we are never wrong). The skeptic position is fairly illogical and warmist position is fairly arrogant.

The ice age scare of the 1970's never got much traction. It was sort of bundled in with other end of the world scenarios- fresh water, peak oil, food crisis, nuclear holocaust, etc.

American Thinker does have a fascinating article on how the IPCC made the MWP disappear. Attack the source all you want. They show a graph from the first report in 1990 which clearly shows the MWP and the little ice age. Both are gone by the third report in 2001, replaced by the familiar hockey stick.

Wilds of Virginia

Like most realists, I am perfectly aware of the diagram in the 1990 IPCC report.


"The report discussed the difficulties with proxy data, "mainly pollen remains, lake varves and ocean sediments, insect and animal remains, glacier termini" but considered tree ring data was "not yet sufficiently easy to assess nor sufficiently integrated with indications from other data to be used in this report." A "schematic diagram" of global temperature variations over the last thousand years[19] has been traced to a graph based loosely on Lamb's 1965 paper, nominally representing central England, modified by Lamb in 1982."


In other words, paleoclimatology was in its infancy when the diagram was constructed. There never was any evidence to support the notion that the Lamb diagram was a better reconstruction of past temperatures than subsequent reconstructions. But it is the one that denialists like.


No, but anti-science dupes with no imagination frequently copy-paste 8th hand recycled fossil fuel industry lies about science history.

If you want to be taken seriously, stop citing denialist propaganda sites
