> Is John Kerry right that global warming is violent?

Is John Kerry right that global warming is violent?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
If you check everything he said, against facts you will find he is not only wrong but he must be lying,

Food crops (especially grains) have reached record levels, the increase is even outstripping population rise,

German insurance has reported a drop in claims, hurricanes, tornadoes and cyclones are at a low level, cheap energy reduces the cost of doing business.

Despite all of the complaints from the worldwide warming deniers here, indeed, Kerry is right. The obvious examples are from The african continent, where drought has impacted many areas, and began several conflicts.

Global food and water shortages were first predicted back in the 1970's, when people in India really were facing starvation. Since that time, conditions in India have improved a lot. Of course, liberals with their short memories have forgotten all of this. If you look at where people are starving today, it's probably the same places they were starving 40 years ago. If not, you need look no further than millitant Islam for the source of violence. Millitant Islam actually exists and it is violent.

Is that the Kerry that said when talking about our troops:

“They had personally raped, cut off ears, cut off heads, taped wires from portable telephones to human genitals and turned up the power, cut off limbs, blown up bodies, randomly shot at civilians, razed villages in fashion reminiscent of Genghis Khan.” And that is why he was right swiftboated. The man is a scum bag period and he clearly didn't earn his purple hearts. He is lucky he didn't get killed by friendly fire.

Frankly Kerry is a confused and stupid man. He wouldn't know violence if it bit him in the face. He belongs to an administration that can't admit that Islamfascists are violent. That tells you all you need to know.

Quite possible, but since we can't do anything about it no sacrificing for me.

Now insurance companies will adapt, and of course as with everything some will die.

Despite all the complaints from the global warming deniers here, yes, Kerry is right.

The most obvious examples are from Africa, where drought has affected many areas,

and started several conflicts.

And that is only going to get worse.

A political paid puppet, so no hope of hearing anything true or in the interests of the people from him, and in the light of no warming for 18 years and less than a degree in the last 300 years a particularly insane statement.

It’s raising the cost of doing business he says so why would this puppet then support carbon taxes?

John (Heinz Ketchup Lurch) Kerry is an alarmist climate clown. He is a lying stooge. He is part of the climate change scientist-government-environmentalist- industrialist climate complex. They need to generate fear to keep the money spigot open.

I've not known Kerry to be right about anything.

Yes, there was no weather before global warming.

Global climate change is already violently affecting communities not just across India but around the world. It is disrupting commerce, development, and economic growth. It’s costing farmers crops. It’s costing insurance companies unbelievable payouts. It’s raising the cost of doing business, and believe me, if it continues down the current trend-line, we will see climate refugees fighting each other for water and seeking food and new opportunity.

What Kerry says is not materially different from the language used by the Nobel Peace Prize committee when IPCC and Gore were awarded the peace prize, jointly, 7 years ago. Neither Kerry nor the Norwegian Nobel Committee are saying that the global average temperature is violent.

Chicken little

people are dying because of drought and extreme storms

Yes, definitely !

no it's not violent

John Kerry........what a dolt. His only accomplishment in life was marrying into money.


He is a idiot