> Is it true, that if 97% of the politicians knew the truth about Global Warming, this world would be a better place?

Is it true, that if 97% of the politicians knew the truth about Global Warming, this world would be a better place?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
It's impossible to become a high ranking politician without the sanction/support/approval of the elites, so these puppets will never act in the interests of their electorate only their masters, it's sad but that is the reality of the world we live in.

It astounds me to read the truly ignorant garbage from the far left. I know there are differences in opinion but true ignorance is something people have to work hard at. Politicians aren't scientists. Mostly they are lawyers who are educated in the law but don't know squat about science. If politicians knew more about GW, clearly they would be able to make better decisions. Too often they are corrupt but knowledge would still result in better decisions which would make the world a better place. IMO, that truth would make them stop using other people's money to push for alternatives that are often not alternatives at all.

Since they are politicians and know politics, they are probably well aware that it is mostly about politics. They know how that game is played.

If 97% of the politicians knew the truth about global warming, this world would not change because they would still do nothing about it because they are too busy plotting how to get the wealth from the Middle East.

Politicians are not foolish or ignorant. They probably already know more about climate change than we do but it does not change anything. Because:

1-) Politicians or governments care less about the world as a whole then they care about the short-term comfort of their own citizens. Each country has to sacrifice some comfort to change to appliances, cars and industrial facilities that destroy the world less. And each country says this: Why not another country do it? Let them spend their money on wind and solar power while we burn the cheapest coal and drive massive cars with one passenger in each one.

2-) Politicians are not very likely to make long term plans and they focus on short-term bribes for their voters so that they can elected again and again. Doing something about the global warming means you do something so that another politician who will be around 30 years later will reap the rewards while you are booted in the next election because you spent money on green technology rather than subsidies.

I am not even talking about politicians in corrupt or dictatorial states. They care about nothing but hoarding more money before they are toppled.

So does that mean we are hopeless. No, there are two ways in which government can do something about global warming.

1-) Politicians decide it is beest to come terms with rival parties on this issue so every political party unanimously supports changes to combat global warming and they sort of impose it on the people.

2-) People become green concious and vote for those politicians who care about the environment.

I think both of these are going to happen so do not despair.


Politicians already know the truth, but if they were honest and said that a 0.012% increase in a trace gas makes no difference to the climate, how would they be able to keep the populous alarmed? An alarmed populous will always demand protection from the politicians who will be glad to raise taxes in the name of helping them.

They value being re-elected. In circumstances that derives much regarding its income from coal or oil, doing something to slow AGW could be like pulling out from the next primary.

Yes, if they actually didn't rely on public polls and weren't so driven by money and actual saw the reality of what is going on, then yes, it would be a much better place.

Yes, this world would be a better place if all the politicians stopped thinking they already know everything.

That they were caught hiding the decline, that models are overstating the amount of warming. As it is, many politicians are aware that China and India do not participate, and this would achieve nothing but economic hardship. The Senate voted on this when Clinton was President and rejected the Kyoto Protocol 95-0, which is very close to 97%.

It depends on their country politics culture, country like Bangladesh knowledge about global warming, can not make any difference in their thought . But other country it could be right enough.

There can be no doubt they are well aware of a non-obscure controversy such as AGW, however tactically convenient it might be to feign ignorance.

(People often claim politicians are stupid, as if gaining such aggressively sought power did not prove otherwise. Were it so easy, why aren't you who are reading this running your part of the world to rather better effect?)

The politicians, being well informed, may have either decided AGW isn't a problem and can be safely "milked" for possible political advantages like more taxes, or they have left the problem to their successors.

AGW as an issue reaches back about a third of a century now. Unless one of the two options above is true, why hasn't at least electrical base load gone nuclear since the development of proven meltdown impossible reactor designs?

They already know the truth but money and power is their desire and the climate scam is the best way to their goal.

Most probably do know that Catastrophic, Man-Made, Global Warming is a hoax. As Veidt notes, it's about power and money, using scientists as their more than willing lackeys.

Just think of the REAL good that could be realized with the $$ Billions of Taxpayer dollars currently being wasted on CAGW. A lot of folks in need could be provided health care, nourishment and education, instead of throwing money to universities and unethical "climate scientists" for ridiculous/wasteful research that contributes nothing for the good of Mankind.

Only a psychopath would dump their waste products into the environment where they cause problems for others and contribute to the campaign funds of politicians to make sure this dumping will remain legal. Those U.S. politicians could well be ignorant, but I suspect that for the majority, their love for money, which is a root of all kinds of evil, is the reason they deny scientific facts such as global warming, rather than religious ideology.

It is

What do politicians care about truth? They care about being re-elected. In a state that derives much of its income from coal or oil, doing something to slow AGW would be like pulling out of the next primary.

yah but can we really stop global warming is the real question

Yes it would be because all the foolish cap and trade, carbon tax, etc. would be forgotten.

It would be nice but We are stuck with idiots like Sheldon Whitehouse, Boxer, Bernie Sanders and Warren .


There is no truth only opinion.



I'm not quite sure

Yes, because they'd be more likely to actually act on it.

Of course, the truth about global warming isn't what you think it is...

Well, in the case of Republican politicians, I have no doubt that many know the truth and choose to ignore it,for fear of losing primaries. Unfortunately if you're scientifically literate (and don't hide it) you are considered a "RINO".

agpf course they know

they know more about climate than climate scientists do

people and their stupidity about 'boogymen'