> Does global warming affect Antarctica?

Does global warming affect Antarctica?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

Of course it does. Right now the ice is growing there, so the evidence suggests there is little global warming right now.

Very much so. Both poles are losing ice at an alarming rate, causing sea level to rise. Without action, this could result in the loss of all our coastal cities. There is already "sunny-day" flooding in south Florida. For more info see citizensclimatelobby.org

Yet the link shows a graph of the temperature at the South Pole. There may very well be very little warming at the South Pole before most of the ice has melted. Most of the warming is at the edges of glaciers, where albedo is a feedback, rather than in the center or an ice sheet.

If you check what NASA is actually saying, Antarctic land ice is melting.



Do you have better data?

Yes it does. Right now the ice is growing there, so the evidence suggests there is little global warming right now.

No.The ice cap in Antarctica is growing.

No, CO2 only affects the northern hemisphere or so we're led to believe by alarmists. Whenever you point out to them MWP or LIA, they invariably say it is only part of the world yet they are the ones who can't seem to see the whole world and focus on anything that supports the Cause.

Given that about a third of a century ago AGW promised catastrophic consequences unless we made drastic cuts in fossil fuel use, and we still aren't taking boat tours of the coastal skyscrapers...the effects are negligible at that scale.

However, since we don't actually know what adding carbon dioxide to the atmosphere from burning so much fossil fuels will do in the long run, it might be wise to have a means on hand to remove the carbon inexpensively, easily and quickly should we decide to do so. Iron fertilization is such a method.

Iron fertilization…


emulates the natural fertilization of the iron deficient ocean ocean waters in causing blooms of diatoms,


which naturally form siliceous shells that resist their being eaten or decaying and so releasing their carbon chemistry interiors into the environment on their death, but rather weigh them down and cause them to sink to the sea bed,


forming a natural disposal of the carbon



for man to copy.

Young's link, is all from NASA GRACE satellite with dodgy algorithms, based on post glacial rebound, how they can calculate PGR of the Antarctic land mass when it is covered in miles of ice is beyond me.

Whatever's link is based on French research of adelie penguins, they banded these penguins in the attempt to be able to count them, they no longer do this because the banding was causing high mortality rates and was actually the cause of diminishing numbers, since they discontinued this practise their numbers have rebounded. http://r.search.yahoo.com/_ylt=AwrSbD4T3...

Ask the Penguins.

If it was real, it would ....
