> How Soon before we have a billion climate refugees?

How Soon before we have a billion climate refugees?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Twenty Years. It's always twenty years. Ten years from now it will be Twenty years. In the 70's it was 20 years till the next ice age. then in the 80's it was 20 years till global warming would cause mass famine. Funny how in 1981 it was only 20 years away but all the way to 1989 it was still only 20 years away. Now in 2014 we have only 20 years before we pass the point of no return, except 2009 was supposed to be the point of no return. It's all very confusing.

Well the UN general assembly predicted 50 million climate refugees by 2010

So I am not surprised that someone should say 1 billion

Wrong People generally don't become refugees simply because of weather, except for short periods. And, it was weather that hit the northern hemisphere, particularly harsh in the US and Canada, BUT much of the world had warmer and much warmer than average temps, as well as many places having record warm temperatures resulting in January 2014 being the fourth warmest January worldwide in 134 years

They predicted millions, tens of millions, perhaps even hundreds of millions, but I don't think they have reported billions yet, as that is the whole population of the planet.

A billion is a big number. Try googling to see how many refugees there are in the world today. Ask for help from a high school student regarding how close that number is to 1 billion.

This is a good example of the kind of wild-eyed nonsense you can expect from radical Leftist/Alarmists. This particular goofy quip came from the self admitted Communist Van Jones, that was the White House Special Advisor for Green Jobs before he had to step-down after his admission of being a Communist became widely known.

Here's some more about Van Jones, the known Communist that Obama made White House advisor, unfortunately, Van Jones is far from being the only Communist Obama clings to.

Disgraced 'green jobs czar,' [Van Jones] 'truther' and admitted communist to lead extremist



. maybe not to long as maybe a billion will move south to escape the freezing.
