> Climate Change Question?

Climate Change Question?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
What is the aprox. ratio of anthropogenic carbon to volcanic carobn release to the atmosphere?

A: 700 Times

B: 70 Times

C: 7 Times

D: .7 Times

Than you!

None of those answers seem right. Depending on what estimates are used, generally it is estimated that humans emit about 100 to 500 times as much CO2 as volcanic activity. 70 is too little, and 700 is too much, but B) 70 is probably the closest.

One recent study says 135 times.



Humans emit a LOT more CO2 than volcanos. In fact we emit more just in cement production.

As others have said, 70 is too little,700 is too much.

Volcanic release is approximately constant whilst anthropogenic is increasing; perhaps the question is based on older data. Perhaps it was the correct figure a few decades ago.

Also, it is "carbon dioxide" (CO2) rather than "carbon" that is released into the atmosphere.

I would go with D: 70 times.

I am very scared that global warming will mean the end of my favourite show 'ice road truckers' . If this happens I just don't know how I'm gonna cope. Screw the dam polar bears we've gotta help these truckers fast. I mean whats gonna happen to that lovely babe Lisa if she can't haul her rig up the Dalton Highway ? How's she gonna feed her ponies ?

We desperately need to figure a way to make the Earth a lot colder as nature intended and this will help everyone, not just the ice road truckers. Because 97% of every scientist on the planet agrees that colder is better than warmer.

Probably the best thing to do would be to send some money somewhere, maybe to those people who understand it all, as we cannot really comment from our unknowing position. I'm sure given enough money these science guys can figure out how to give Earth the big freeze over it desperately needs.

But we must hurry before I lose my show, no ice road truckers would be a disaster, I'm already worried Lisa may be struggling financially cause she's stopped dying her hair blond and therefore isn't quite doing it for me as much.

It doesn't look like any of your answers are what I think it is. The Ranger at Mount St Helens says it is 120 times as much.

What is the aprox. ratio of anthropogenic carbon to volcanic carobn release to the atmosphere?

A: 700 Times

B: 70 Times

C: 7 Times

D: .7 Times

Than you!