> What is the Republican view on global warming and climat change?

What is the Republican view on global warming and climat change?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Are the Republicans denying that there is a global warming, and why do they do that? I'm confused!

First, I am not sure there is a formal "Republican view".

Second, people deny that mankind is doing what the aGW proponants say versus denying weather trends.

Point in Fact:

Current SST anamolies are negative. (i.e. Sea Suface Temperatures are below average globally and trending down)

Global Temp anamolies are still up, but they have been trending down. (i.e. above average, barely, but moveing to cross the 0 point)

Global temperature trenads have been flat to slightly negative over the past decade.

Until These points change, and unitl a workable and scientific theory meaning mathmatical models etc are developed, tested and verified, there will alsways be those of us who "boubt" based solely on anecdotal evidence and someones belief.

Because there are no workable scientifc formulae or models that have demonstrated accuracy for predicting future weather trends, we are not willing to accept the higher taxes, increased regulation, seizure or property rights etc necessary to achieve what some want to achieve.

Intelligent Republicans believe in manmade global warming (like presidential candidates Jon Huntsman and Gary Johnson, and climate scientist Kerry Emanuel), stupid Republicans deny it (like Michele Bachmann and James Inhofe). Unfortunately the stupid Republicans now control the party.

As long as the stupid Republicans are in charge, the Republican party will be unable to win back the White House or Senate.

For a century after the first Republican president, Lincoln, the Republicans were the party of business, science, progress, and education. That started to change in the 1960s, when the GOP opportunistically sought the southern white racist vote increasingly abandoned by the Democrats during the civil rights movement era. They then went on to pursue the "hard hat" of "Archie Bunker" segment in the '70s, and under Reagan in the '80s the western populist segment. A turning point came when Karl Rove led the way to a MAIN emphasis on deliberately seeming to be simpleminded. That worked well electorally for George W. Bush, who was able to hide his preppie upbringing beneath a Texas drawl, but not so well for Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachmann, Rick Perry, etc. It turns out there is a difference between PLAYING dumb and actually being dumb.

I'm a Republican and I find the evidence for global warming caused by man's release of CO2 to be clear and convincing. A number of the prominent Republican leaders are, unfortunately, ignoring the scientific evidence that is politically useful to do so. The far right wing of the Republican Party is so adamant about denying climate change evidence, that many Republicans adopt that position to win in the primaries.

John McCain, in the 2008 presidential campaign, was in favor of adopting measures to combat climate change. However he backed off on that, and a number of other responsible proposals, because of a challenge, during the last Arizona Senate primary, from a far right political candidate.

The article below explains how a number of prominent Republicans have abandoned conservative


Seriously STOP listening to the news.

Every Republican does not believe the same things just as every Democrat does not believe the same things.

Here is the GOP's platform on energy http://www.gop.com/2012-republican-platf...

here is the DNC's Platform http://www.democrats.org/issues/environm...

As a side note the opening pages for both of these site explain why I label myself a republican.

The republican site list actual things the are trying to do.

The democratic site list why republicans suck.

What is your view on global warming? Do you believe the world was stable until we started emitting CO2? If you believe that, you are wrong. Climates always change. It so happens that the climate was slightly cooler 300 years ago and has warmed naturally since then. If humans have added to that, we don't know how much we have added. I am not surprised you are confused.

Republicans understand where Global Warming originated. Margaret Thatcher started the biased organization known as the IP CC in 1988 when she wanted Nuclear Power to be the United Kingdom's main source of power. She wanted energy security and didn't want to deal with the Oil Cartels of the Middle East or the Coal Miner's Union of the UK. The IP CC is a political organization and always has been. Thatcher was paying money to scientists to "prove" humans were causing Global Warming so she could have her Nuclear Power and no other reason.

When you understand the history of where Global Warming came from, then you will know that it is politically motivated and not a scientific certainty.

The fact is that human emitted greenhouse gases only have a less than 1% forcing of the climate to change at any one time. When you look back in climate history, you will find that our current weather is not much different than what it was before the increased use of fossil fuels. From 1905 to 1940 the global temperature rose by 0.45 C when fossil fuel use was still relatively low. From 1940 to 1975 fossil fuel emissions tripled and global temperatures decreased by 0.1 C. The 70s created a Global Cooling scare because of fossil fuel emissions.

It's all politically motivated propaganda for Governmental and Monetary Elites. When you also understand the difference between "Monetary Elites" (banks and Governmental control) and "republican rich" (people who provide goods and services through a free market society), then you may change your mind on how our political system works. Many of the news media outlets are controlled by debt to banks and therefore are controlled by the monetary elites. Monetary Elites are strong-arming the news media to promote this propaganda.

Different Republicans believe in different things. Some believe in global warming and some do not.

Are the Republicans denying that there is a global warming, and why do they do that? I'm confused!