> End of worlders are waiting for a horse-drawn carriage to emerge from the clouds, yet deny human-induced climate change.

End of worlders are waiting for a horse-drawn carriage to emerge from the clouds, yet deny human-induced climate change.

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Yes, that's pretty dumb.

Davy Boy

That claim is nonsense. In fact, it is a lie.


Every club has its rules to prove you are a committed member. Either colors for gangs, crime for hells angels motocycle or in the case of religion circumsision and belief. Most people have a choice. Some delight in their ignorance

Yes, it's nearly as dumb as pretending it's still warming when there's been no warming for 18 years

CR - Then it's a lie being spread by the UK MET office, the University of East Anglia and all the other pro warming organisations that you usually rely upon..

If you believe in the end of the Earth, you are worried about something that will never happen.

Eccl 1:4 One generation passeth away, and another generation cometh: but the earth abideth for ever. KJV

We have God's promise that it will last forever.

Yes or Yes. Unfortunately.

cause religion can be blinding.