> I want to change the world. How?

I want to change the world. How?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
start with individual small steps. 1st change ur self, next ur surroundings so that they 2 can change their circles.......... and this shall create a chain reaction.......................

be good to everyone

think rationally

encourage people who need it

be a role model so that others can look up to u

never procrastinate

think out of the box

think +vely



i really appreciate ur thoughts. ur awesome. ucan do it. WE can do it!

I am in the same position and the first step I did was studying a bachelor of Nursing. I am half way through and hope to go over to 3rd world countries and help out and make a change. The best quote Ive come across is "You might not be able to do much, however you can do SOMETHING". But having the right attitude will get you a long way.

Take care of the environment and be kind to animals. Do volunteer work. Support charities and groups. Become a scientist.

Chang yourself, the world will automatically changed.

Hit the reset button.

The best quote Ive come across is "You might not be able to do much, however you can do SOMETHING".

First you will need to decide if you want the change the world for the better or the worse. Then proceed from there.


Get more people to think like you.

but first, take a selfie

become president