> If Global Warming is a hoax...?

If Global Warming is a hoax...?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
"They do not use any logic whatsoever."

They also do not use science, critical thinking or common sense. They do not even consider the fact of how fundamentally wrong The Laws of Physics would be if CO2 did not behave as a greenhouse gas in our atmosphere. The next thing you know it will be the fossil fuel industry puppets that will be telling us that The Laws of Thermodynamics and The Laws of Chemistry also do not explain the characteristics on CO2 in our atmosphere.

Since you brought up logic...

...is an appeal to authority; it's invalid...bad logic.

<...then you are either saying that these people are stupid and/or liars.>

...is a fallacy of the complex question; those are not the only two possible choices. In sales, this is known as the 'presumptive close'; it is a manipulative rhetorical trick, popular with starving door-to-door vacuum cleaner salesmen, designed to trick the listener into one of the offered choices, when all the choices contain an unstated presumption.

...back to the appeal to authority...just as invalid as the first try.

The rest of the stem of your (non) question is ad hominem, and 'the pot calling the kettle black'. There is not a logically valid statement in your entire statement. So, who is using no logic whatsoever?

You are a poster child for the position that CAGW is, in the words of Dr. Armstrong, "...an anti-scientific political movement."

I'm going to tell you what I think first. These billionaires are not stupid, it's a hell of a tax write off. I also don't believe in global warming, I believe it's just the natural order of things. Yes we may be helping it along a little faster but in the end it will happen no matter what we do. Now let me tell you what George Carlin had to say about it. And I thought this was great! He said he was sick of all these do gooders trying to save the earth. The earth doesn't need saving. Go up to someone who has just been covered in a mud slide and ask him do you feel like a threat to the earth today, or someone who was under a pile of rocks from an earthquake and ask him do you feel like a threat to the earth today

? The earth doesn't need our help and when the earth gets sick of all our crap it will just shake us all off like a bad case of fleas. Now back to what I have to say. Look at the devestation the earth, mother nature can cause with an earthquake or a tornado or a flood in a matter of seconds. I don't think that there is a man made bomb that could do what mother nature could in a matter of seconds. So I do believe the earth could take care of herself and when she has had enough everyone better start praying for something, and mother nature does not discrimate, black, white, rich , poor. We're all going to get it.

Someone's logic is at fault, certainly. You have just posted a classic example of a straw man argument.

I have also just read a post that says that; "How about industries that profit from people disbelieving in global warming? Like the oil industry, the coal industry, the automotive industry, the travel industry."

Someone needs to tell Branson with his travel interests that he is on the wrong side!

Fortunately the US represents only 4% of the world's population. The other 96% will continue to try to do something about it. Then we'll send a sizable chunk of the cleanup bill to the worst polluters in the history of our species. See you court!!

Of course global warming is real. If it wasn't we wouldn't be alive. At one point in Earth history the planet was a big ball of ice due to the lack of global warming. The question is how much is caused by humans and how much is caused by nature. If you raise this question your called a "denier". There will come a day that the planet will fall outside the "goldie locks zone" due to the Sun aging and will become uninhabitable.

Most skeptic scientists can read temperature trends and understand that natural climate drivers are (and have been) in charge of our climate system. Global average temperatures peaked in 1998 (0.8C) from the established normal temperature and haven't been close to that high since then. Global average temperatures have been trending downwards since then.

CO2 is a "trace" gas and only serves to help keep temperatures warm and not drive them. That's the science. Human influences are negligible.

There are natural drivers of temperatures - http://naturalclimatechange.com/thedebat...


"Global climate has varied since the most primitive atmosphere developed on earth billions of years ago. This variation in climate has occurred on all timescales and has been continuous. The sedimentary rock record reflects numerous sea-level changes, atmospheric compositional changes, and temperature changes, all of which attest to climatic variation. Such evidence, as well as direct historical observations, clearly shows that temperature swings occur in both directions. Past climates have varied from those that create continental glaciers to those that yield global greenhouse conditions. Many people do not comprehend that this means their living climate also varies--it gets warmer or cooler--but typically does not remain the same for extended periods of time. Human history shows us that in general, warmer conditions have been beneficial, and colder conditions have been less kind to society (Lamb, 1995). We currently are living in a not-yet completed interglacial stage, and it is very likely that warmer conditions lie ahead for humanity, with or without any human interference. Interglacial stages appear to last for about 11,000 years, but with large individual variability. We have been in this interglacial for about 10,000 years."

Branson is a nice guy, but he is wrong. However, at least he puts his money where his mouth is. Which is more than I can say for Al Gore, who also has a finger in Tesla. However, who is developing Branson's space travel aircraft? Rutan, a true scientific genius who technically can run circles around Musk and Branson. He is not fooled by this AGW crap.


This is where Rutan technically lays out his case against AGW. BTW he used his own money to do it too.

Musk and Branson are laymen in science. Rutan is a scientist. Now who would you believe?

Also, our government has subsidized Tesla, so it isn't like Musk is financing 100% of Tesla. Tesla, at this time is impracticable. I really wanted this project too be successful but technically and economically it is nowhere near any true panacea. Gasoline and diesel at this time are far superior in practicality.

Tesla is a good example of the insincerity of the green movement. Al Gore, for example, lobbies for government funds. He then takes a percentage of those funds for his own use. That is a scam!

Hi Patrick The Rockefeller story is the hand book for how to avoid paying tax http://educate-yourself.org/ga/RFcontent...

The money they put out was only a small part that they got back , this was to pay off politicians and put the ones in power that they chose to so that those would not look to close to a program that really seemed to be for the good of Earth , but what a scam , it worked , they got who they wonted in power and got payed back almost 100 times what they put out .A rather well investment on their part .

It's called public relations, you keep your paying public happy by doing and saying what they believe in, whether it's true or not.

They are smart business men, they go with the flow.

Then why would super billionaires like Elon Musk and Richard Branson pledge billions of dollars OF THEIR OWN MONEY to fight global warming? Don't you think that billionaires of all people understand how to invest their money wisely? If it is all a scam and hoax, then you are either saying that these people are stupid and/or liars. If you don't know who these guys are, Elon Musk founded Paypal, SpaceX, and Tesla Motors and Richard Branson is the owner of the Virgin Company.

Some of the deniers say that it is a money grabbing scam. Well then where is the big payday for the scientists who discovered and submitted evidence?

Some deniers say that the scientists are misled. So they are misleading themselves?

Other deniers say it's a power grab. They couldn't think up anything better for a power grab than this? They are not getting much power from it considering that half of all Americans think its a hoax. They must suck at grabbing power then.

I do not understand these deniers. They do not use any logic whatsoever.

So it seems that the arguments for man made warming have moved so far away from actual science and empirical evidence that now because Richard Branson donates money it must be true !

This is a new low for even mankind hating alarmists.

and you think sceptics are the ones with a logic problem

Global Warming is a hoax and those individuals secretly have found a way of making a killing out of It. It is not donating money to a cause but investing with the hope of making billions in future.

something like 50% of the u.s. public think the earth is 6,000 years old.

their brains have been trained since childhood to ignore evidence.

Those two are probably dumb enough to really believe it. Rich doesn't always mean smart.

Top climate scientists say there is no man-made Global Warming.

The Great Global Warming Swindle

Denialists simply don't want to hear the truth.

I hate when people don't take global warming seriously. Finally someone who gets it.