> Yet ANOTHER Alarmist Scandal?

Yet ANOTHER Alarmist Scandal?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
What is it with deniers and these absurd conspiracy theories, who cares what Ed Begley does (deniers it seems) but how is this a scandal that affects AGW in anyway.

Name one scientific paper Ed Begley has ever written.

Sadly it seems you went with your usual denier source "YouTube" without bothering to look any further,

or perhaps you did and didn't like the wording of the below link which is connected to the video.

It seems this was reported in the real media as two actors Ed Begley & Mariel Hemingway being tricked into participating by a James O'Keefe, supposedly a journalist who has a history of this sort of cheap trick.


So your grand conspiracy against AGW is a couple of film makers who wanted to make a documentary against fraking and didn't care where the money came from and they where set up by a shady journalist and a pretend Sheikh, wow, you see grand conspiracies very easily and then try to connects them to pretty much unrelated things, sadly a common denier condition.

Where is the connection to AGW, other than in your imagination.

Really. I fracking thought that anti-fracking scandals fracking proved that the fracking law of fracking gravity fracking is a fracking fraud.

Which fossil fuel industry anti-science blog did you mindlessly copy this from, or are you afraid to post your sources? Don't be, you can't flunk here like in school science.

You have no idea what poisons they're pumping underground.

And no idea how long it will take for those chemicals to make their way into the water table.

In fact, there's nothing to prevent them from getting rid of toxic waste that way.

They don't have to report what they use.

BUT, that's okay.

It's probably not going to be the water that you drink.

And as long as it's not you personally, you really don't care.

That is the conservative mindset these days.

Interesting how many of them claim to be Christians.

Maybe you remember, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."

But of course, they're not that kind of Christian.

Pretty sad.

Would you allow fracking in YOUR backyard?

Looks like some of our Hollywood types have been caught neck - deep in a conspiracy to hide funding for an 'improvised' anti-fracking documentary. Funding that was supposedly to come from a Middle East source.

You have to view this!

This is the sort of thing that destroys the credibility of the CAGW movement and all of those associated with it.

Your thoughts?
