> Why cant I find present day atmospheric methane readings?

Why cant I find present day atmospheric methane readings?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
I have read about methane out gassing in the Arctic, and would like to know our present day amounts in graph form


I have been interested in getting data for quite some time now. I have links to a few different items and data directories.

US methane emissions


Kano: Methane, partly due to concentration, is about 20x more powerful a greenhouse gas than CO2. However, did you happen to check out the atmospheric increase of each of them? Methane has increased from roughly 1550 parts per billion to over 1800. that is equal to 1.8 parts per million. CO2, over the same time period, has increased from about 335 parts per million to almost 400 parts per million That being said, things are currently being done in an effort to decrease the amount of methane humans and human products emit. Changing the feed type of cattle, trying to mitigate the effects of landfill decomposition, and so on.

Here is a link to methanes vibrational modes and what frequencies the related absorption band is centered.


Notice it has two vibrational modes that interact with radiation that falls within the Earth's blackbody emission spectrum. Below is a link to carbon dioxides vibrational modes.


For where these items interact with the related frequencies look here at figure 7-8


You can search this further in the links below.



Because your denier bookmarks only offer you innuendo and opinion.

It took me milliseconds to Google "atmospheric methane readings" and get one direct link to a NASA site and a whole bunch of indirect links to other sites which in turn provide information about present day ratings.

Being a real skeptic consists of much more than just 'questioning data' when it is presented to you as fake skeptics do.

To Sage:


Dude, the whole issue of Kano's question as shown by the answers so far is not that the information is not available nor hard to find, the whole issue is that HE cannot find it.

All of what you regularly label as alarmist sites do link to up-to-date data of various greenhouse gasses.

EPA: http://www.epa.gov/outreach/scientific.h... with link to CDIAC

NOAA http://www.research.noaa.gov/climate/t_g... with link to Air Sampling Network site

IPCC http://www.ipcc.ch/publications_and_data... It dedicates a whole chapter to methane.

Because CO2 is the scare of the day. You see, those who believe in AGW and ACC are of simple minds. They cannot walk and chew bubblegum at the same time. Those propagandists know they don't want to make the subject too complex, or it will confuse the simple minds and they might just go out and find answers on their own. That would be drastic for them as they would lose the argument. So they concentrate on one subject, just like a hypnotist does. Notice a hypnotist never juggles a set of balls or bowling pins, but has you focus on one thing, like a swinging watch. This way he can get into your mind. It is an old formula.

Or perhaps an Australian source


As to the question: Given it took 20 seconds to Google the above link, I can only guess you can't find anything because you didn't bother to look at all.

Now you have three different sources, let the denial begin.

Here is a similar link to Jeff M's:



I have read about methane out gassing in the Arctic, and would like to know our present day amounts in graph form