> Will Building Plastic Houses Help Stop Global Warming?

Will Building Plastic Houses Help Stop Global Warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
This paragraph is key for me: "It will stop global warming, because it will not release carbon dioxide into the air as burning oil does. It will also stop our forests from being cut down to be used for building material. These forests also take carbon dioxide out of the air."

Although there are always vested interests, local and foreign, especially when it comes to discrediting solutions that really work and are being successfully applied, truth is that we have now in Venezuela four full-installed capacities to produce Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) profiles to build the "PETROCASAS" which is also the same material that is actually being used in the manufacturing of several hospitalary healthcare products. The great majority of housing solutions constructed under late President Hugo Chávez has been done this way and is growing.

On the other hand, I can personally testify that plastic houses indeed have nothing to envy to traditional "brick and mortar" constructions as to their soundness and aesthetics, more on the contrary, all what is being said in the article you are quoting is absolutely true. Durability and easy and quick self-construction capability are a great asset. We yet have to raise a higher consciousness about the need for Solar energy though, but it will be coming along when more people comes to understand the greater importance that oil has for construction rather than just spill-burning it to waste and pollute.

I will also add, though, concerning the fire risks, that actually the PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride) profiles that are being used to build the Petro-Houses in Venezuela and several other Latin-American countries under the same parameters, have been thoroughly tested in-factory at extremely high temperatures and haven't shown any signs of destruction. The material being used is thus indeed fire-proof already, as tests results and reports have shown.

Well most plastic has a petroleum base and takes a great deal of energy to produce so it would defeat the purpose. Deforestation will still take place and in most places in the world will still have wooden shelters Nice try

What will we substitute for fuel. You want us to burn up in a VOLT?

There is a guy out in Oregon who is serving time for doing just that. (He may have served his time, by now.)

>Once we start getting electricity for free> This is not on the greenie agenda.

Quote by Paul Ehrlich, professor, Stanford University: “Giving society cheap, abundant energy would be the equivalent of giving an idiot child a machine gun.”

You would have an uphill battle, the greenies would lose control of an individual. That's is not in their agenda.

Quotes by H.L. Mencken, famous columnist: "The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed ― and hence clamorous to be led to safety ― by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary." And, "The urge to save humanity is almost always only a false face for the urge to rule it."

Great excerpt and I agree with doblece, it is an absolute necessity for our continued survival as a species on this planet.

Wow, brilliant book!

many people just don't realize how serious global warming is

Taken from Truth Contest @ http://www.truthcontest.com/entries/the-present-universal-truth/heaven-on-earth.html

What are your thoughts on this?

Plastic houses: New inexpensive structural plastics and molding methods will be developed. We will start making vehicles, houses and buildings out of them. It will cost less, be easier to maintain, look better and last longer than anything else. It can look and feel like marble, rare wood etc. Intricate designs can be molded right in to look like the work of artists and craftsmen. Look at the interiors of buildings in Star Wars: Episode Two, and you will see how great plastic will look.

When oil is no longer used to power vehicles, there will be so much supply that it will start being used for houses, buildings, and other structures that need to be made inexpensive, be low maintenance, look good and last as long as possible. Environmentalists are always saying that plastic is not biodegradable and stays in the environment forever. That is bad when used for throwaway products, but it is a very good thing when it comes to people’s houses and buildings, because the longer they last and the easier to maintain, the better. We want structures to last and not need costly maintenance. Termites do not eat plastic, and it does not rust like steel or rot like wood. Houses made of plastic would not be hurt in floods or earthquakes, and they will be so light that they would be easy to move and build.

We can mold whole walls with the spaces for windows and doors molded in any color and texture. It will never need paint. Until plastic can be made fire-proof, sprinklers and other fire prevention systems would be part of all plastic structures. Sprinkler systems do not hurt plastic like they destroy wood structures.

Green architecture: The roof will be molded to accept solar panels. Rainwater runoff will be saved in plastic tanks in the walls to use as drinking water or to water the roof in dry periods. A house or building could go together something like Legos, so every house will be different to suit the needs of the people living in it. Construction and transportation costs would drop. They will come in kits, and people can put them together themselves with glue or clips, so they can take the houses with them when they move.

The oil companies will get bigger and make more money than they are now. This business will also last much longer if we stop using oil for fuel. The more we have left for other things, the more the oil companies will make, and the longer they will stay in business. A bonus will be that the oil business will not pollute the air.

It will stop global warming, because it will not release carbon dioxide into the air as burning oil does. It will also stop our forests from being cut down to be used for building material. These forests also take carbon dioxide out of the air.

Instead of beating on oil companies, we should be giving them big enough incentives to make it profitable for them to do what we want them to do.

We are burning up the ultimate construction material by using oil for fuel.

Once we start getting electricity for free, most steel, concrete and wood will be replaced by new alloys of plastic and aluminum as a building material.

It all starts with people being able to stop fighting, wasting time and resources, and seeing what needs to be done.