> Did global warming become climate change when the globe stopped warming?

Did global warming become climate change when the globe stopped warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Even the IPCC acknowledges the fact that the earth hasn't warmed for 17 years.

It was renamed because too many people assumed "global warming" means the entire planet warms evenly, which is not what the models say is happening or will happen.

More important, whenever there's a cold winter people say "see, global warming is a hoax" and whenever there's a hot summer people say "emergency! it's global warming". Neither reaction is constructive. The hope is that people will have less extreme responses to the newer name.

'Warming' is the vehicle that causes 'climate change'. Because of an ever more robust amount of CO2 in the atmosphere less heat escapes into outer space then is received in a 24 hour period. The 'heat' moves rapidly to a cooler venue....such as seawater and ice. The physics of how this works is 6th grade science. True, the atmosphere is only slightly 'warmer', but that's because the 'heat' itself doesn't stay in the atmosphere.

Warmer water, even if it's only a fraction of a degree will evaporate more moisture into the atmosphere... right there you have climate change. Warmer water will also accelerate other climate changes... such as thinning sea ice. You may doubt some of the data, but you can't doubt the physics... unless you just want to be a doubter!

The two exist at the same time, always have.

climate is regional and global warming is global. There is climate change around the globe due to global warming.

Even if you cherry pick the numbers just right to make it look like what you want it doesn't change reality. That will only hit you harder and harder the more you deny it.

“The term ‘climate change’ is meaningless. The Earth’s climate has been changing since time immemorial, that is since the Earth was formed 1,000 million years ago.”

“Even the term ‘global warming’ does not mean anything unless you give it a time scale. The temperature of the earth has been going up and down for millions of years, if there are extremes, it’s nothing to do with carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, it’s not permanent and it’s not caused by us.”

‘Global warming is nonsense’

~Dr.?Leslie Woodcock Emeritus Professor University of Manchester

The warming of the air has slowed down for 17 years, apparently because the extra heat has gone into the oceans and melting ice.

Stay tuned for more on the air temperature, as the ElNinos return.

No. Of course not. Whether we use the earlier term or the more current one, we're dealing with the same thing.

Ask yourself, why do I know what I think I know? WHERE is this information coming from? Is it time for me to reevaluate?

Faithful people are gifted with the ability to think for themselves.

Use your God-given insight to investigate the truth!

Yes, the IPCC used their time machine to go back in time to 1988 and changed their name from the Intergovernmental Panel on Global Warming to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

They must have that time machine, right? Because otherwise your question would just be stupid.

"Even the IPCC acknowledges the fact that the earth hasn't warmed for 17 years. "

^ This is a lie.



But why are so many turning into chicken littles? Climate change is a normal thing, has been happening for as long as this planet has existed. Why freak out about it now? Especially .when it has involved Al Gore or all people!

I don't think so. But, if they did, they would be wrong.


Even the IPCC acknowledges the fact that the earth hasn't warmed for 17 years.

The Earth has warmed in the last 17 years. There is steadily increasing temperatures.

>>Even the IPCC....<<

Do you know what the 'CC' stands for? Idiot.

>>,,,acknowledges the fact that the earth hasn't warmed for 17 years.<<


Global warming has always been known as Climate change, however whendealing with Americans it is neccessary to dumb things down , and you still fail to understand

No climate change was always the official name, however the most popular name was global warming, which sorta went out of fashion, hmm wonder why?

The name-change was foisted after the Reptilians schemed and plotted it for years (but still couldn't fool Ha Ha Ha Goebbels "true scientists" with it).

it hasn't stopped

those that say it has are either lying or misinformed