> Is Obam trying to bankrupt dairy farms?

Is Obam trying to bankrupt dairy farms?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
To destroy the entire beef industry.

Obama and his fellow Democrats need all of the Taxpayer dollars they can get to pay for Free Stuff for their Welfare-Sucking voter base. Without Free Stuff, the Democrats will not be elected.

Also, if Dairy cattle are going to be taxed, then maybe Obama should exterminate all Buffalo, Elk, Deer, Wild horses....etc.?? Oh yeah....he can't get tax revenues from them.

Could it be that this Obama guy is not REALLY concerned about so-called global warming.....but rather....wanting Money to buy votes???? Say it isn't so!!

The real agenda is that... despite your disbelief, AGW *is* real, and *is* a problem.

And, while methane is a tiny fraction of the total atmosphere, most of the atmosphere is *completely irrelevant* when it comes to the greenhouse effect. Imagine, for example, water that was .0002% by weight some strong, low-molecular-weight dye. Would it look the same as water that did *not* have the dye?

So, the proposed law is attempting to regulate methane emissions in the sources that are large enough to both take the hit financially, and have enough individual units to be making a substantial contribution. That's the agenda here, plain and simple. Nothing more, nothing less.

Taxes and tyranny, that is what it is all about. Democrats never met a tax they didn't like.

There is no man-made Global Warming, yet the Obama Administration wants to start taxing medium-sized dairy farms with 75 to 125 cows between $13,000 and $22,000 a year. http://dailycaller.com/2014/04/11/republicans-warn-of-a-federal-tax-on-cow-flatulence/#ixzz2yc9ZyRQm

What is the real agenda here?
