> Should we give up on trying to save the world from climate change?

Should we give up on trying to save the world from climate change?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

What climate change? there isn't any! what are the costs of climate change anyway, apart from sea level I cant think of any

The cost of climate change in the latest report is estimated at .2-2% of GDP, much lower than the Stern Report which said 5-20%. The cost of trying to avoid global warming is much higher than this.

Humans are too small to positively affect climate change.

We should just live and die and when the world has had enough, we die with it.

We can change the little things.

But when the world decides to fluctuate back into an ice age, or a meteorite hits, or Yellowstone explodes. Sorry but we have no control. People should forget about climate change, it's a massive waste of time.

Were just animals, having a good time on earth at the moment as it happens. Make the most of it. Cry less about climate change.

>>“We’re reaching an age in history where you can no longer predict the future with any hope of success<<

Wrong. We are entering an age in history when – for the very first time – we might actually know enough to begin making successful predictions about the future.

Just because Deniers find salvation in being stupid does not mean everyone thinks the Dark Ages were the Good Old Days.

I think we should give up on trying to double the amount of CO2 in the air. Even if double CO2 does not cause climate change, you have to be a fool to believe it will have no effect at all, or to believe there is no possibility of bad effects.

The 94 year old Lovelock was never known for the modesty of his proposals, and the one-upping Telegraph headline writer is engaging in defacto reductio ad absurdum.

Suffice to say, as even an intelligent anti-science denier might point out, that it is nonsense to write of "saving" the world from something it has experienced for billions of years.

Cities are of course built to withstand greater extremes of climate than countryside infrastructure. But cities also cannot exist without resources from non-urban sources.

Economic studies show beyond doubt that the cost of sensible precautions to reduce and adapt to anthropogenic global climate change are far outweighed by the costs of inaction.


Whether we will in fact take such sensible precautions is indeed doubtful, but that is a quite different issue. Most smokers realize they would be better off quitting, even though most don't.

Yes, even the IPCC is coming round to the view that adaptation has its benefits.

Right , How do they plan to stop it .
