> How long will it take for an AGW denier to complain?

How long will it take for an AGW denier to complain?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
I suppose "true scientists" will reveal that THIS is what "warmers" are "alarmed" about.

JimZ "doesn't deny" that reserves of oil are finite, by the way, he just denies that it is worth risking our civilization on the unfounded premise that they are a fossil fuel.

JimZ "doesn't deny" the germ theory of disease, he just denies that vaccines, administered by doctors are a prudent public safety measure. Because not all Marxists are doctors, but most doctors are Marxists.

JimZ "doesn't deny" that the earth is round, he just denies that it worth the cost of risking our way of life on the untested belief that you won't fall off the world if you go too near the edge. Nobody can really be sure that could never happen.

I hate to nitpick but I read some things that make me wonder what

<<>> 5 but she does mention 20 later which is closer to the truth. It started 2.58 million years ago but who's counting. Maybe she has an old book. The Milankovitch periodicity is pretty close to 100K years (at so that is pretty simple math. I don't know, maybe she is choosing the major ice ages or maybe she is confusing stages with ice ages or maybe I'm missing something there. In any event there were at least 11 major glacial advances. Anyway, I guess I'm complaining so it didn't take long.

I don't deny AGW by the way, I just deny that it is likely to be significant, catastrophic and worth risking our economy and way of life. Risks have to weighed with real costs.

Boy do YOU have a Long Wait- ahead of You !! :)

Maybe you could go protest in front of the White House until you get arrested, while making outlandish claims that sea levels will rise more than a foot by the middle of this century, as Jimmy Hansen often did, what a pitifull mess you people are. How does it feel to know that the general public really doesn't take your plight serious, and it's a topic of humour, and you've essentially lost the battle?

Reasonable people will object to the cult-like AGW endless rant...and name-calling people things like "denier" is very objectionable to many of us.

We get all of our information from science writers. You didn't know that?

Leslie Baehr is a young science writer who writes about simple things.

When you finally figure out that the current CO2 levels have an insignificant effect on temperatures (not saying that it has absolutely none), I will certainly consider your offers, but ... I digress. You'll probably be in front of the White House some day petitioning the Government to fly spaceships towards the sun with a couple of hundred fire trucks aboard when science as a whole comes together with a realization that the sun has been influencing temperature more than anything else. LOL!

Zip The sun has a negligible effect on GW, almost none at all Why do you continue to buy into that drivel

No good burning coal, CO2 is a very feeble warmer, it will in no way prevent an ice age.

The greatest issue of our time is the warming of the planet and yet silly people would rather talk about their religion and politics.


Warming has ended. The world is cooling.

How long before the entire USA is covered in ice?

How much more coal do we need to start burning immediately in order to prevent the imminent ice age?


At least Kano is being consistent with his response. But most of them have been complaining all along.

More time than it will take an AGW alarmist to complain.