> Does anyone have an actual link proving islands plural are getting bigger?

Does anyone have an actual link proving islands plural are getting bigger?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
the ocean is not rising...the sea-level is the same everywhere minus tides...i live on the coast of texas,and the sea level is the same as it was 40 yrs ago...the level is not different in other places...there is one sea-level...in fact the sea level here has not changed since measurements were first taken...

There are quite a few islands which are growing, this is because they are volcanic and almost exclusively over a hotspot. As lava continues to flow out of these volcanoes, the islands get bigger.

This is true of a couple of the Hawaiian islands, Iceland, and active volcanoes like Krakatoa and Santorini.

But there are untypical because by far the majority of the earth's islands are shrinking as sea levels slowly rise. This does not just affect islands, nearly all the world's coastlines are receding for the same reason.

When one considers that nearly 2 billion people live in the vicinity of the coast, on low lying land, or next to tidal rivers, it is not just a few million who are affected by the rising sea.

If the sea rises more than a meter, nearly all of these 2 billion will be affected and most will have to move to higher ground.

"Them Bones".......

Between 1870 and 1930, recorded sea levels rose by 2 inches (50mm). During the next 30 years to 1960, levels rose 3 inches (75mm), in half the time. Between 1960 and today, sea levels have risen by a further 4 inches (100mm).

These rises are so slow that you can barely detect them with the human eye. During an entire human lifetime they are not easily noticeable.

All Data is from the University of Colorado and the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation.

Nasa and the European Space Agency have confirmed this with the measurements from radar satelites, which measure sea levels with unbelievable precision.

And every 25 - 30 years, the rate of sea level rise is doubling.


Sea levels do not rise by the same amount all over the globe. For some strange reason there are places where the rise is far less than in other places. And none of the oceans and seas are actually flat, there is quite a large difference in their surface height, depending on where you are on the planet. This amazing fact only came to light when the radar satelites started sending back their data, and this totally mystified scientists.

Herbie: Those same scientists are want to explain the 3 1/2" difference in the sea level between San Francisco and Oakland they once tried to push upon us. A mere 3.18 miles difference in distance. Ha! Ha!. Also I don't trust the research from space measuring down to a millimeter. I engineered many successful processes and that is nearly impossible from that distance to that specification and through the different layers of atmosphere which are changing all the time. I know University of Colorado says they can but they are called Buffaloes. They have backed off on a lot of their claims, recently.

And, yes the sea level is slightly different due to the centrifugal force of the earth and there are also several unexplained 'hot spots' in the earth's gravitational force, or so I am told. These were known way back when I was a lad.

The islands get smaller as the sea rises.

Your examples all provide "if" scenarios and IMO they are pretty big ifs.

Islands grow as, forgot his name ....77, suggested by volcanic eruptions or possibly by rising earth, or even tides depositing sediments. If you increase the sea level, some islands will appear, e.g. maybe Miami would become an island as the lower surroundings got flooded (don't know if that is actually potentially possible). I remember a congressman was worried about so many people living on Guam. He was afraid the island would tip over.

Them Bones ---

According to 28 scientists from 6 major Texas universities you are full of shlt. You probably didn't even know that there were universities in Texas, huh?



Gryph --

I understood the question, but was sidetracked by Them Bones buffoonery. I've read enough of your questions/answers to know where you stand.

Ian's questions are often so nonsensical / irrelevant that I am sometimes convinced he is a troll.

If sea level rise accelerates, only islands with active volcanoes will grow. All other islands will shrink.

It certainly doesn't look like it.

JimZ has no links, as usual (in JimZ's abiotic oil "logic": He doesn't like an answer ≡ nobody knows).

Maxx has no links to peer-reviewed science, because the Reptilians control peer-review from the hollow moon (http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;... )

Nature and stability of atoll island shorelines: Gilbert Island chain, Kiribaati, Equatorial Pacific



Where sea-level rise isn’t what it seems (actual study is behind a paywall)




tide gauge record from 1978 for Tuvalu


Hope this helps

These are a couple of links I found but absolutely no studies showing the islands are getting bigger


"Caught between a devil of a choice and the deep blue sea, the Pacific nation of Kiribati intends to buy land on Fiji's main island as a long-term measure to cope with rising sea levels." http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn21581-pacific-island-to-buy-piece-of-fiji-as-climate-plan.html


"now a recently published study vindicates what many Tuvaluans have insisted all along - sea level has risen rapidly around Tuvalu."


"According to the World Bank, tens of millions of people in

84 developing countries including Vietnam, Bangladesh, Jamaica

and the Maldives will likely be displaced by rising sea levels over
