> I would like to move to a warmer climate in three years and wondered if someone could recommend some place?

I would like to move to a warmer climate in three years and wondered if someone could recommend some place?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
If you live in North America, go south.

If you live in Australia, go north.

If you live in Africa, head towards the desert.

If you live in Asia, head towards the equator.

If you live in Europe go to North Africa.

If you are feeling cold, turn up the heat, or do 50 jumping jacks.

It’s difficult to make suggestions as you didn’t mention where you are at present. However, a few general rules of thumb that can be applied.

? All other things being equal, then moving toward the Equator means a warmer climate. As a rough guide, each 100 miles closer you get the temperature will warm by 1°C

? Altitude is also important. For each 150 metres you go up the temp goes down by 1°C. So, if you live on a hill at 750m the average temp will be 4°C cooler than down in the valley below where the altitude is 150m.

? Also, seas and oceans moderate temperatures. Living close to the coast means cooler summers and warmer winters. Moving further inland often means the climate has greater extremes (warmer summers, cooler winters, more intense rain, longer droughts etc).

? Proximity to geographical features also influences climates. For example, living on a plain on the windward side of a mountain range will see cooler and wetter conditions than living on the opposite side.

If you want to say where you are at present it may assist in answering. Also, what sort of place would you consider moving to, would you consider emigrating, how warm would you like?

Here’s a map of the US showing the average temps, it might assist:


I lived in North Carolina and it was my favorite place in the world! There, the beaches are like the ones you might see in the commercials, with white sand and blue water. It's so warm there that even when it rains the rain is warm! One thing you might not like is how humid it is. When you're outside and it's warm the air is almost always very moist and makes your skin sticky, but I like that part! The land there is very flat, so there isn't a lot of hills and such. The people are so kind, and everything there is super-size! The Walmarts there are three times the size they are in Washington, the movie theaters are humongous!! I just overall recommend it. The best place is Reaford. :) Happy traveling

Oklahoma is hotter than u know what. nice mild winters usually. Oh do u mind an occasional tornado? ha. Cheap living here, I'd venture to say the cheapest in the country, and usually the cheapest gasoline. and well the wind blows a lot. like 265 days out of the yr. personally i wanna move to the higher elevations of colorado. atleast for the summer time.

Central America!

This should go without saying, but we can't recommend a "warmer" climate for you unless we know what climate you're in at present.

I would suggest travelling to other places which are warmer than where you live. If you live in the Northern hemisphere, travel south or if you live in the Southern hemisphere travel north. When you find a place where you like the climate is where I suggest you move.




or Georgia?



according to the warmists, Antarctica, right now it is a balmy -104F