> Is this due to global warming?

Is this due to global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
The oceans are about 0.8°C warmer now, and the increase in the vapor pressure of the water means that there is about 7% more water in the air then there was a century ago. It is usually not possible to assign any one weather events to global warming, but the increasing water in the atmosphere makes it more likely that, if you receive most of your moisture from fronts that move in from the ocean, you will be seeing increased rainfall.

it probably is. there are always big fluctuations in weather (different than climate), but it could definitely be a result of global warming. a warmer climate on earth allows for more moisture in the air and water vapor is a form of energy. this means that weather events like storms and floods are going to be more frequent and more severe. However, its hard to know exactly if recent storms are cause by global warming or if they would have happened regardless. In the next 50 years, though, we are going to see lots of big crazy changes due to global warming. unfortunately...

Hurricane super storm Irene is from global warming and so is all the mega storms to follow. Global warming will make the rain continuously fall so make sure your parents get flood insurance. Global warming is also causing fires, snow, freezing, droughts, tornadoes and earthquakes. The end is near.

The CO2 warmed atmosphere is predicted to have a higher average humidity. Simple physics says warmer air will carry more moisture. It is this higher humidity that makes global warming much greater than if just CO2 was involved. (Water vapor acts as a positive feedback.)

Higher moisture content of the atmosphere is also believed to be the reason for more frequent extreme precipitation events.

The global warming farce category needs to be Incorporated with the mythology category. It fits there.

I don't like to use "global warming". I prefer climate change. We will see climate extremes. We will have more drought, more rain, more wind, higher high temps and probably even a record low, now and then. It's pretty hard to deny that human's use of fuels has changed our climate. The degree, and exactly how, is not easy to prove. We hope it's not too late to slow the effects. It's too late to stop or reverse them.

Just for fun, read T.C,Boyles "Friend of the Earth". Then watch your weather pattens and see what conclusion YOU draw.

go to www.google.com

So in my science class we are learning about global climate change and what effects it has on the earth. One of the effects is heavier rainshowers and floods and severe storms. Im wondering if hurricane irene is from global warming, or why is it raining so much where i live? Like its been raining for at least three days. Theres also been flash floods. That could be cuz its spring and usually rains, but now im wondering..... i probably sound like a nerd but im just interested.