> Reasons to not dump waste etc into the sea/ocean?

Reasons to not dump waste etc into the sea/ocean?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
We are suppose to write kind of speech or something why dumping waste into the sea/ocean is bad. Any opinions would be great. Thanks!

Well... Some things are pretty obvious:

Kills wildlife

Pollutes sea

Ruins tourist attractions

May harm divers

Good luck.

Much waste is good for the ocean, especially if a waste stream is parallel to natural waste streams of land-based nature that may dump waste nutrition and nurturing elements of aquatic long-term health and wealth into it. Of course it is quite difficult to determine appropriate materials that suit this scenario I claim to be so because it appears that materials such as treated sewage, industrial brines, portal dredgings, fish guts and old ships, etc. all are dumped to the ocean as the place of least environmental evil done in doing so. We people, unless we have heads bigger than our britches, know that somehow we are creatures of Earth and by God there simply MUST be someway we fit-in to the plan-et of its motions. We have an 'o' to put in somewhere between dog, ocean, and God and we better learn to understand it in terms of our guts about it , if nowhere else. Such vile wonders of human digestion must appease that which produces our produce and tolerates the goods we produce and consume, contain, or have amongst us, composite. Perhaps if we are too numerous, the exacting of a harmoniousness of us with our environment will require a supernumery of apothegm and mortgage, injustice and wretch, until the enlightening with th'understanding still, roars us into humility and conservancy to that which is a higher power...of nature,, what you say?

Reasons to not dump things in the water besides our own dead are dictated mostly by how we may think about it if you, or your governmental representative overseer , do dump and sufficient time is given to see how well it digests and rests in peace. If 1000 whales beach themsevesby where the barge of dumping is moored, well...nature seldom speaks in language that doesn't contain a hint of recourse per contestations of dumping activities, if ever we would believe it could be so. If our conscience, of an archetype of a collective society indeeds exist, then perhaps we need to look at the crosses of sea and mind, ocean and enemy, rift and reef.

Pollutes the water. That has an obvious effect on the sea life but sometimes us too. If It's something strong it May have a effect on peoples skin when they swim.

Because everyone shares the ocean, it is proper for the government to regulate the disposal of waste particularly when it is hazardous to human health and the environment, not to mention an eye sore.

Because it pollutes it making it unsafe for animals to live and survive in

Because you dont want to effect the seamen...unless they are black people. then its an oil spill

It kills the defenseless animals.

You're kidding, right???????????????

Are you even old enough to be member of the forum?????????????

We are suppose to write kind of speech or something why dumping waste into the sea/ocean is bad. Any opinions would be great. Thanks!