> Were the scientist in 1975 idiots and did not know of Global Warming?

Were the scientist in 1975 idiots and did not know of Global Warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
hey blamed everything on Global Cooling like idiots


they could learn alot from Al Gore

I see our warmunist friend Gar didn't read the article references a NOAA scientist and it references a report from the National Academy of Science, and was fed to every mainstream media outlet during the entire 1970's, and was taught in science classes as fact, (I went to High school 1971-1975 and college 1976-77) and that is what was taught, I guess Gar buddy doesn't realize that his hero Algore didn't invent the internet until much later so we didn't get to see different points of view.

Gar how old are you 12

It shows that political skills and marketing are more important than scientific validity.

Different points of view were popular in different countries. While some European scientists were interested in global warming in the 1970's, it would be a bad career move for a US scientist to investigate global warming while his/her colleagues were selling the benefits to humanity of predicting the coming ice age.

It's hard to get people excited about global warming and coming ice ages at the same time - they seem kind of contradictory.

When scientists changed from a belief in Global Cooling to Global Warming, yes the same people.




H H Lamb the High Priest of Global Warming also changed his mind.

At first his view was that global cooling would lead within 10,000 years to a future ice age and he was known as “the ice man”, but over a period including the UK's exceptional drought and heat wave of 1975–76 he changed to predicting that global warming could have serious effects within a century.


You do realize that this is not the major scientific understanding of the time, right? this Newsweek article was only a hypothesis of the scientists that published it, and was never close to the mainstream of scientific opinion. A little bit of research at the library quickly confirms us. This is was there is a red herring.

Here's a quote from a meteorology text that I own:

"It may be that part of the global temperature increases of the last 100 years are due to man's activity in burning fossil fuels, such as coal and oil, releasing carbon dioxide into the atmosphere."

What year would you say that was written? The answer is...it was in "Introduction to Hydrometeorology" by Bruce and Clark in 1966.

Kind of makes you think that the scientists weren't the idiots, but the person that wrote this question was.


Even if scientists were not aware of global warming at that time, this would simply represent a lack of information, not necessarily a lack of intelligence. Scientists figure out new things all the time.

A survey of the scientific literature has found that between 1965 and 1979, 44 scientific papers predicted warming, 20 were neutral and just 7 predicted cooling. So while predictions of cooling got more media attention, the majority of scientists were predicting warming even then.

News Flash, Nitwit-boy - Newsweek is not a scientific publication and Al Gore is not a scientist.

You've got the kind of stupid that cannot be fixed, huh?


jerry --

And it seems that you cannot count or read.


What is it about Deniers that makes them think '1' is the largest number whenever they find 1 thing that they think supports their ignorance? Oh, yeah - it's their ignorance (and the fact that they are liars).

Too bad Stephen Schneider is no longer with us. Perhaps he could explain it...he was on the 'global cooling' bandwagon in the 70's, and converted to the 'global warming' camp sometime before 1988. In the mid 2000's, he was a technical advisor for Al Gore's movie. Pretty fast footwork, especially for a biologist (as Gringo would say, no qualifications in climate science. Zero. Nada.)

As the article points out, they were claiming high levels of certainty due to the massive amount of data and confirmation of global cooling. Back then we had a short time to save the planet, also. Of course, none of their predictions came to pass. They just moved on to the next apocalyptic prediction.

The environmental left has a terrible record with these things. In their 2011 testimony before congress, Green, Armstrong and Soon detailed a list of 26 environmental scares similar the current AGW hypothesis (the global cooling in the 70s was one of them).

"None of these alarming forecasts were correct. Twenty-five of them called for government intervention. In the 23 cases where interventions occurred, none were effective. The policy changes caused harm in 20 of the cases."

"We were not surprised by the outcomes, as none of the alarms were based on scientific forecasts. They typically began with stories and progressed from there with appeals to scientific support...

"...after compiling a list of analogous situations, Julian Simon said, in 1990,“As soon as one predicted disaster doesn't occur, the doomsayers skip to another... ""

So, I predict, it will be with global warming.

No I do not think they were idiots, there is a lot of evidence supporting them, we are due for another ice age and they thought it could be starting WRONG but only in the time period.

However those scientist that jumped ship just show how human scientists are

they blamed everything on Global Cooling like idiots


they could learn alot from Al Gore

People who cannot write in grammatically correct English, such as this questioner, tend to repeat very old and very ignorant lies about science, such this question.


A media beat up of two papers that were misrepresented by the media. Learn your history

They knew about it, but just didnt do anything because they couldn't move in there parachute pants and there mullets were messing with the way they turned there heads.

The Global Cooling scare of the 1970's was a huge embarrassment to the climate community, but today rather than admit their grievous error and apologize for it, they lie about it and try to say it never happened.

But the fact is, almost every major climate organization endorsed the 1970s ice age scare, including NCAR, CRU, NAS and NASA. Even the CIA.

Here's the proof in newsprint:



Geddy - You will do well to forget about posting links to SkepticalScience here, we are all wise to that alarmists/propaganda site, where even it's name is a lie.
