> If the planet is going through global warming, why is it so bl00dy cold?

If the planet is going through global warming, why is it so bl00dy cold?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
A more accurate term of what is happening, also used by most scientist studying climate is 'climate change', however it is true that earth's temperature is rising. Now, why is it so cold? Well, because of the earth warming, a lot of ice from the poles is melting, which results in cold currents which heavily influence the weather.

Global warming is based on statistics of climates around the world. The temperatures are rising, at a rate which to us would be slow, meaning it's not a noticeable change, unless you are 40-60+ and can remember the weather in your childhood.

It could be cold for 2 weeks, but that wouldn't change the fact that temperatures are rising. Like a previous answer said, you're mistaking weather with climate. Weather is short-term, climate is long-term.

Global temperatures vary and the term global warming isn't really used in scientific context now. For example global temperatures havnt increased for about the past 5 years. Also increase in temperature is global and not representative of local temperatures. For example ice mass as an indicator for temperature increase has spread massively in the arctic, but there has been no significant change in the antartic in the last 100 years.

I know your question may not hae been anything to do with this, just thought you might like to know

Point taken to home, it still can be heeded, this rampant disdain and unrest of environmentalism we sense, as a precursion of natural science to understand potentials of our human influence upon our environs and thereby incur policy and spirit to rejoin scientific finding in the awards of an awareness no soul can stand to defy. Whether ocean tides increase or decrease, we still must potentially adapt to a deluge. Whether hot is a trend in one's day or atrocious shivery winds, it is still a flux that must be embraced with the perspective of a warm welcome or a cold shoulder. Luckily there are durable afghans that really are wasted being used in bundling all those poppies.

Weather. Global warming is about statistics about weather around the world, and not about any given weather event.

It was in the 90s today, assclown. If you're cold, move to a warmer climate, fool.

Just stay out of Texas.

It is funny that bloody has to be spelled with 00s (assuming that is true). I guess in England it is one of those Ohhh words. My wife teaches mostly Mexican kids and they go Ohhhh whenever they hear the word stupid. I know it isn't about the cold but I just thought it was kind of strange....two cultures separated by a common language.

Mark if you aren't already, you should become a technical writer for a consulting company that works for us. They never can resist using 10 words when 2 would do but somehow you made far more sense.



Global warming is climate. "It's cold today" is weather. Learn the difference...

Also, there are some counter-intuitive effects where Arctic warming can lead to cooler temperatures in parts of the Northern hemisphere, as the environment effectively takes the "extra" heat for the Arctic from areas near the Arctic...

It's still warm where I am and it's supposed to be winter. Explain that?

Because you forgot to put on your tin foil hat and Al Gore and Elvis are messing with your brain from a secret bunker beneath Graceland..

The Sahara is warmer.

You should watch a movie called the last day.

Nature can deviate any laid down program or settings anytime

It may be cold where you are today but maybe the rest of the world is not. And one day is not enough time to compare

Pay no attention to that thermometer! Just put on your swim suit and jump in the river. Al Gore says so! "The Earth has a fever!" Keep cool, pay your ecotaxes, to him, and become a slave to the regime. Everything will be alright.