> Polar bears, surely we are improving their lifestyles?

Polar bears, surely we are improving their lifestyles?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Polar bears don't need our help, as long as we do not hunt them they will survive just fine.

They have found a fossil polar bear jawbone dating back 130.000 yrs, which is in the Eemian period, a time that was much hotter than now.

Polar bears don't drown, they are fantastic swimmers, one was found roaming the north shore of Iceland, and the only way he could've got there, was by swimming from Greenland.

What, you accept that the burning of fossil fuels helps to melt the Arctic icecap? You mean you accept the science now?

If polar bears have to come on land to avoid drowning, why should they restrict their diet to seals when there are tasty humans and domestic animals around?

It appears you also skipped basic biology lessons in school.

Polar bears, surely we are improving their lifestyles?

We burn fossil fuels, this helps melt the Arctic icecap.

Seals therefore have to come on land to breed and sleep.

Polar bears thus find it easier to hunt seals.

Surly this is better and less work for Ursus maritimus as they won't have to swim and better for us as we will be spared the heart rending images of them doing so, and drowning?