> With climate change, how soon will humans inhabit Antarctica, and what will be the first ethnicity or nationality to do

With climate change, how soon will humans inhabit Antarctica, and what will be the first ethnicity or nationality to do

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
First of all, climate change isn't happening that fast. It's pretty useless to speculate who will be there first because in all likelihood it will be at a time when there are thousands upon thousands of billionaires on the planet vying for every square inch of real estate for wealthy business developments. It's not a question of will it be the Americans or Germans establishing a colony first. It'll be which corporation or interest group will exploit it and for how much profit.

We already inhabit Antarctica, they have scientific bases belonging to different countries that are staffed all year round, but we also have international agreements, that say Antarctic resources should not be exploited.

Now if you are talking about the Canadian or Russian tundra that is a different matter there are millions of square miles that could used with future warmer (if we ever get any)

With climate change the human race will probably render itself extinct within about thirty years and there will only be cock roaches left alive to inhabit Antarctica.

Temperature rise and sea level rise always presage an ice age. So prepare to go skiing in Mexico. Si, senors?

You clearly don't understand global climate change.

Will we be able to grow crops in Antarctica?

not likely.

Those who speak of climate change as impending doom fail to mention the potential positives, such as accessibility to previously inaccessible lands, like Antarctica, etc. Who'll be the first peoples to inhabit Antarctica and other places closer to if not on the poles?