> Are indoor pot growers causing an environmental crises in California?

Are indoor pot growers causing an environmental crises in California?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
This list of factoids is the perfect example of the collectivist/stupid way that liberals think. For example they say:

"During California’s growing season, outdoor grows consumed roughly 60 million gallons of water a day – 50% more than is used by all residents of San Francisco."

Don't liberals understand that any water that is not used for SOMETHING just drains back into the rivers and is carried back to the ocean --- THAT'S THE REAL WASTE OF WATER.

Liberals are so anxious to dominate other people's lives that they don't even stop to think about the mechanics of how fresh water gets to us, or what happens to the water that is not used for some purposes no matter what it is.

Then they whine about how much electricity is used --- as if that electricity wasn't bought and paid for. Liberals are not for liberty.

Commie liberals always want to slice the pie thinner, but conservatives just want to make a bigger pie.


The simple solution is to make the growing of marijuana legal, then it can be grown outdoors, like any other crop.

"I think it is marvelous when we can see that the greenies themselves can see a problem but won't admit it" [1]

Do you ever read (and try to comprehend) your very own sources?

The very first line, not the third, not the second, not buried deep inside paragraph 6 or in a footnote, no, the very first line with which WUWT opens his 'article' reads:

"Thanks to “Climate Desk” for pointing out this gem of an article."

Climate Desk is green!

The picture immediately below the first line and the second line both give unequivocal information about the source of the 'pot claim': the equally green Mother Jones.

That begs the question: what the hell were you smoking when you decided this WUWT scoop deserved its very own YA 'question' wondering why there is "no horrendous outcry from the greenies?".

All non solids like co2, exhaust, gases, smoke, etc. that rise into the upper atmosphere separate into nothingness so the sun can warm earth's surfaces while our planet rotates to grow plants for food and oxygen so all species can survive. Infact if you have a safe fire and put a piece of rubber or plastic in the fire and actually watch the black smoke rise. You can actually see the black smoke separate right then and there, so your thoughts of our environment can ease your mind. Thats why burning garbage and trash is better, than burying it, because burying it causes gas to seep up through the ground many years later where homes, hospitals are= where children play and die, because the politicians dont care. Mike

Put down the bong hippie, street lights burn more energy than indoor pot growers and nobody is demanding that they be turned off.


This is an interesting article. It shows that growing pot indoors consumes 8% of California's precious fossil fueled power, consume horrendous amounts of water during the drought in California and adds CO2 to the equivalent of 3 million cars.

How come there is no horrendous outcry from the greenies?