> What did models say with regards to ocean heat?

What did models say with regards to ocean heat?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
We know that surface temperatures have come in well below model predictions. what did the models say with regards to ocean heat content?

There is a means for heat to get into the oceans, ocean cycles like the PDO, but they have being cycling in and out heat every 25 to 30yrs for thousands of years, so it will come back out just like it did during the 80's to 2000

As far as I can tell, they did not have the temp predictions for the oceans. This is why they are looking to the seas for finding this elusive nymph called "missing heat". Any honest person would interpret this to mean that their models were wrong and they need to go back to the drawing board, but why expect honesty from warmers.

One thing to note. They needed "corrections" so large that they changed the average annual temps for CONUS by up to half of a degree for many years with all of the temperature readings taken. So with this level of uncertainty, they still claim certainty on the 3000 measurement devices for the entirety of the oceans. And don't bother asking how many working devices they had 40 years ago. With all of this, they have measured a 0.10 degree celsius ocean temp change from 0 to 700 meters.

Look at this crap:


They actually pretend that the hurricanes were CAUSED by AGW, when no link can be found. These people do not even seem to give a fig about real science. Evidently lying and scaring the public is so much more fun. Note that they also claim a 0.1 degree increase in ocean temps over the past century. So here is a fun thing for the warmers who claim not to be sickened by this BS. How many measurement devices for measuring 700 meters deep did they have 100 years ago???

Heat from the air would be complicated, depending on wind, waves, rain, evaporation, currents and upwelling from very deep.

The oceans also directly absorb heat from the sun, as well as from the air. But whether it goes deep or stays shallow would also be complicated.

I don't think there is a viable mechanism for the heat to skip the atmosphere and go directly into the ocean. It is a ridiculous excuse rather than a serious theory IMO. When their first theory failed, they flailed and looked for alternative theories to excuse their original failed theory. Instead of admitting that their predictions were wild and exaggerated, they behaved as political hacks protecting their cause and tried to dream up all sorts of excuses.

They probably underestimated ocean heating.

And ignore this denialist nonsense.

Mister Zedd

Straw man argument.

We know that surface temperatures have come in well below model predictions. what did the models say with regards to ocean heat content?