> Is this true, that greenhouse gases do not affect a planets temperature?

Is this true, that greenhouse gases do not affect a planets temperature?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

CO2 has no more than a 1% to 3% net effect on Earth's overall temperature. It has absolutely no effect on 255k of Earth's temperature and of the remaining 33k, CO2 has between a 10% to 25% net effect on this "greenhouse effect" (10% is the accepted average number. It is higher with areas of higher relative humidity, but water vapor is still the dominant GHG). As long as there is H2O here to dominate the greenhouse effect, then CO2 can't have near the effect that alarmist climate science is claiming, especially at its current level. Higher temperatures create more clouds that reflect IR away from Earth's surface. That's the balancing effect of greenhouse gases.

Greenhouse gasses affect temperature. The article is pure bull. The standard atmosphere is just a simple formula for estimating air temperature, pressure, and a few other properties from altitude. It doesn't even take into account anything other than altitude - the temperature at sea level is assumed to be 15 celsius no matter what. No, they didn't do any calculations to see how CO2 would affect temperature, or really how anything would affect temperature. They simply took measurements of atmospheric temperature and fitted some lines to it, then used some other math to calculate pressure, density, etc. from that.

I'll believe the claims that greenhouse gases do not effect temperature when I can buy a car which is powered by a perpetual motion machine. The only way for greenhouse gases not to effect temperature would be for the energy absorbed by greenhouse to destroy the energy.

Wow. Hockeyschtick really have dispensed with the last vestiges of a collective brain-cell that they shared between them in order to come up with this mind-numbingly incompetent concept. Can there be anybody (or anything) on the planet so dumb that they could, even for a nanosecond, begin to consider contemplating the possibility that there may be some crumb of credibility to such claims. I sincerely hope not otherwise we’re probably doomed as a species.

Seriously, the authors of that offering have taken the concept of monumental stupidity to stratospheric levels. They introduce the concept that temp is a linear function of mass and gravity not influenced by GHG’s then go off on a tangent and fill the whole “document” with irrelevant stuff relating to ALR’s.

Let’s just say – if it were true then you wouldn’t be asking this question, I wouldn’t be answering it and the world wouldn’t exist as we know it. In fact, life wouldn’t exist in any shape or form.

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Not run out of patience at all, I think that articles like this are hilarious as it just shows the lengths some deluded people will go to and the incredibly stupid things they come up with. These people have absolutely no impact whatsoever on anyone who knows even the first thing about climates so they’re totally inconsequential.


The tropopause is the boundary layer between the troposphere and the stratosphere with an altitude that is coincident to a minimum threshold of the lapse rate. Provided you know the altitude and position above Earth then the ground temperature can be calculated. This is true not just of the tropopause but of anywhere in the atmosphere.


Here’s a temperature profile of Earth’s atmosphere. Clearly not linear and not consequent to mass or gravity either.

No, it's complete nonsense. I would be willing to bet that you would not find ANY climate scientist that would buy into this nonsense--including Richard Lindzen, Roy Spencer or John Christy.

Perhaps Patrick Michaels, because he was trained as an agricultural climatologist and not a physical climate scientist.

To a small degree, Don't forget we had a climate change after the giant animals roamed the earth, but it got cold then and wasn't there a time when the whole earth was flooded but that was caused by man,

No. this is clearly wrong. Venus earth and mars all have similar mass and gravity and have totally different temperatures.

Well I agree to a certain extent there are some articles that back up their claims

http://www.redorbit.com/news/space/11130... and this


But water vapour can and does alter the lapse rate, so in large quantities it could have an effect.

Edit for Trevor.

This is Uranus with mostly hydrogen and a little methane for atmosphere note how similar the troposphere is to Earths.


co2 levels have increased a scant 0.012%. This isn't enough to have any effect on the planets environment

no. this is clearly wrong. venus earth and mars all have similar mass and gravity and have totally different temperatures.


no. a clear example is venus.

see climate.nasa.gov