> Shouldn't meat be more expensive than produce?

Shouldn't meat be more expensive than produce?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
For instance, shouldn't beef be more expensive than spinach?

Because it takes thousands of pounds of crops to raise a cow?

It Is, but consider you can let lose a herd of cattle on pasture land, and they do all the work of raising themselves, you only need one man (and maybe a dog) to care for them, if rotated properly they fertilize the land, so you don't need plowing, tilling, fertilizers, insecticide, irrigation etc

Before my answer I will say this, I do not eat a lot of meat, mostly fruits and veggies, but from my eating habit, i DO know that with fruits and veggies, it all depends on what is in season! Cows can be raised for meat any season. Fruits and veggies are priced on if they are in season or out of season.. example Peaches (in the state of Georgia) are ready for harvest from May to August.. during those times they will be cheaper in stores. Depending on where you live also depends on when fruits and veggies are in season. When they are out of season they are having to be kept preserved and shipped across country. Meat can be raised locally, year round.

It should, but living in America they sell way more meat products than green. They have to make profits. It's estimated that by 2050, a pound will cost 50$. Then, people will be considering to reduce their meat intakes. It's sad that money would make them change, but not their health.

Well the hedge funds and intermediarys are working hard to drop third world farmers salaries down from $1 a day to 50 cents a day.

This will increase the wealth and flatulence of those who make a thousand percent profit off the labour of the poor...

It should be! We Americans eat way too much meat and not enough vegetables. If vegetables were less expensive than meat we would buy more and eat more. We be healthy and thinner.

It is.

For instance, shouldn't beef be more expensive than spinach?

Because it takes thousands of pounds of crops to raise a cow?