> How can some cities have food sustainability?

How can some cities have food sustainability?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
It happened in Cuba out of necessity. The fall of the Soviet Union left Cuba without the fuel for it's mechanized farms. The people in the city had to either grow food or starve.

Sustainable development refers to technologies that meet the need of the present while not taking away the ability for those populations in the future to meet their goals. Regardless of what side of the fence you are on I'm fairly certain that all will agree to make a technology or method work over generations it has to be sustainable so those future generations can use the same techniques. There are various aspects of food sustainability that need to be taken into account. Purchasing local produce, or foods grown or produced locally, is the first part to building a sustainable community that can live under it's own weight. Many techniques used today to produce food, however, are not sustainable.


For cities to have food sustainability they have to produce food locally while leaving things such as soil nutrients, and so on, available for future generations to use in the same way.

They cant, the idea is that cities bring people together so that they can work more efficiently, Cities by there design are not suitable place to grow food, that is best done in off-lying farmland, however if Urban areas grew more vegetables in their gardens that would help.

I just watched this really incredible video on upworthy... The city (i believe was in Arizona) cut the sidewalk so that the rainwater would flow into the gardens. These gardens were full of plants that made vegetables and fruits.. It did not require any outside watering and lessened the waste of water that was occurring because of our sewage system. Incredible stuff!

I wish I could find the link/video! I'll keep looking!

They produce enough food that is renewable (plants, vegetation, animals that can reproduce) to supply the city.
