> Does Greenland have a purpose to exist at all?

Does Greenland have a purpose to exist at all?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Yes, Greenland is absolutely vital to prevent sea level rise.

Without Greenland all that ice would be in the sea and sea levels would be much higher. Greenland is there just to prevent the ice making it way into the oceans.

It seems that the people on Greenland do. Your type of thinking usually comes from people like greenies. They usually live in their mother's basements and since Greenland has very few basements, they deem it worthless.




noun: purpose;?plural noun: purposes


the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists.

"the purpose of the meeting is to appoint a trustee"

synonyms: motive, motivation, grounds, cause, occasion, reason, point, basis, justification More

"the purpose of his visit"

intention, aim, object, objective, goal, end, plan, scheme, target;

ambition, aspiration

"their purpose was to subvert the economy"

advantage, benefit, good, use, value, merit, worth, profit;

informalmileage, percentage

"I cannot see any purpose in it"

function, role, use

"the original purpose of the porch"

a person's sense of resolve or determination.

"there was a new sense of purpose in her step as she set off"

synonyms: determination, resolution, resolve, steadfastness, backbone, drive, push, enthusiasm, ambition, motivation, commitment, conviction, dedication; More


"they started the game with purpose"

a particular requirement or consideration, typically one that is temporary or restricted in scope or extent.

"pensions are considered as earned income for tax purposes"



verb: purpose;?3rd person present: purposes;?past tense: purposed;?past participle: purposed;?gerund or present participle: purposing


have as one's intention or objective.

"God has allowed suffering, even purposed it"

synonyms: intend, mean, aim, plan, design, have the intention; More

Given the various definitions, I would say that Greenland doesn't have a purpose. It isn't the reason for something existing. It is the thing that is existing.

Yes. Its purpose is to generate stupid questions like this one.

More than any African country, sure.

Does anything?

Don't be ridicules.

You think you do????