> What are scientists doing to save polar bears?

What are scientists doing to save polar bears?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Polar bear populations have more than doubled in the last 40 years because we've left them alone. Do not anthropomorphise the bears. Treating them like humans in need only hinders them. They aren't people, they are bears, and they've been around for 3 million years they know how to survive if we just leave them to it. There have been global warming events in the past which polar bears were around to see and they survived those too. Polar bears will probably outlive us as a species if we just let them get on with it.

Given they are doing well, I don't see why the scientists shoudl be doing anything.

For those who are so concerned about the cute cuddly polar bears, I am starting this new business. For a "minimal" amount of money, you can pet a polar bear.

My business will take you up to the habitats of the polar bears, where you can tell the polar bears how you want to stop them from dying and how much you care about them. Then you can go give those cuddly bears a nice hug.

In fact, my business is so kind that we will only charge you the cost to go to the polar bear's habitat, not the cost to come back.

Scientists aren't saving Polar Bears. They are doing scientific research on them.

Researchers are certainly not saving Polar Bears. These are performing medical study to them.

The polar bear lie is just another failed scare tactic by the Climate SCAM community.

The fact is, polar bears are doing GREAT!! But you will never see headlines of this in the liberal media.

Polar Bear Population Higher than in 20th Century: Is Something Fishy about Extinction Fears?


Environment Canada’s Polar Bear Technical Committee upgraded the status of Western Hudson Bay polar bears from “declining” to “likely stable” http://polarbearscience.com/2014/10/29/w...

Polar bears thrive: A surprise for Boxer Committee, which preferred alarm to scientific forecasts


The scientist that started the polar bear lie was reprimanded, but I'm sure you didn't see that in the main stream media either. http://seattletimes.com/html/nationworld...


Scientists aren't doing much of anything as their job is to study them. Governments are doing things such as placing hunting restrictions on them which is why they have recovered from their low. However climate change is having a toll on them in specific areas and in specific populations due to such things as sea ice loss.



And before you have ignorant answers in here stating that sea ice has rebounded in the last 2 years and ignore the trend you should have a look at the data.


You could also look at this conversation with scientists, some of them even regarded as skeptics.


You can see that all scientists in the discussion mainly agree that the rapid sea ice decline that began in the early 90s was mainly the result of the Arctic oscillation heading into positive values. They also mainly agree that anthropogenic warming has a role as well putting the effects of it between 30%-90%. So obviously we will have ups and downs related to natural forcing but the anthropogenic signal is still present. I'll post the data for the Arctic Oscillation as well.



The government is doing capture, tag and release of polar bear hunters in an effort to eradicate these vicious environmental hazards.

However the pro hunting crowds have caused enormous problems especially for the juvenile hunters of the species.

They advised the goverments to put a ban on hunting, which was done, since then polar bear numbers have rebounded, to an extent that local people consider them a dangerous hazard.

Polar bears are doing so well. People hunt them.

Save them from what......over-population?

Polar Bear populations are doing quite well.

Trying to get deadbeats to agree that global warming is a problem.

That would allow the US and other countries to move away from burning fossil fuel.

The sad truth is that it may already be on track to get warm enough that they'll have a hard time finding ice to hunt on.

Reducing greenhouse gas emissions.