> New study shows west antarctic glacial melt is due to volcanic activity and not AGW so are these science researchers &am

New study shows west antarctic glacial melt is due to volcanic activity and not AGW so are these science researchers &am

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Well it has been obvious for some time that receding Antartic ice sheets are not caused by global warming, it is just too damn cold for them to melt, plus there is no sign of rising temperatures, and southern ocean sea temperatures are if anything cooling see here

Volcanos tend to be local and there's not that many of them...they're not much of an issue. Also, most of the South Pole land mass is high mountains. Because of altitude it's ALWAYS well below freezing...60 to 100 degrees below freezing. Nothing ever melts at those altitudes.

Because of the slightly warmer seawater there tends to be more moisture in the air leading to greater snowfall... that actually adds weight to the glaciers. The weight causes slippage, so there tends to be a lot of 'land ice' falling into the surrounding oceans. The warmer water tends to melt any ice from the bottom and to break up these bergs.

Because the South Pole area is surrounded by ocean the climate dynamic there is much different then in the artic. Climate change isn't a general thing....the planet IS warming up due to the addition of man made CO2, but that extra 'warmth' doesn't stay in the atmosphere so don't look for much evidence of 'warming' there. Look at the thinning of the artic ice fields, the warming of seawater and the advance of the sub-tropics moving further north decade to decade.

The researchers themselves are certainly not anti-science, but the Daily Caller is not a legitimate news site. They are cranks, deliberately cherry-picking parts of the article that they like and ignoring what they don't like.

I read the paper. It has nothing to do with Artificial Global Warming (AGW). It merely says that geothermal effects are responsible for some melting.

The Daily Caller did not say that. Instead, they made an article claiming the the paper disproved that melting is caused by artificial global warming, which is completely made up and was NEVER stated or implied in the paper.

"or are the AGW cultists going to spaz ...."

Well, you have to admit that the dailycaller is hardly a reliable scientific website.

The first clue that something is amiss is that there's no indication that the volcanic activity doesn't seem to have increased.

And if the glacier has picked up speed, and it wasn't because of an increase in the volcanic activity, then what was the cause?

Warmer water (one hopes that you do realize that a rise from 32 to 34 is warmer, even if it is still cold) would, at a minimum, qualify for more inquiry.

And that does seem to be the case.

Why don't you link to the actual article rather than the Daily Caller.

Personally, I would be skeptical about any claim that volcanoes would contribute more energy to melting glaciers than global warming would.


Not all of Antarctica is that cold.

"As you would expect the weather in Antarctica is cold, but just how

cold? Around the coast the weather can be surprisingly mild, regularly

reaching freezing point in summer. It is on the high polar plateau that the

coldest temperatures are experienced."


"there's no indication that the volcanic activity doesn't seem to have increased." Not exactly sure what this statement means but the first rule of denial, assume all non-human factors are static.

Name callling...very objectionable. And, this debate is a controversial one...there is NO ONE ANSWER.

No, scientists always question their conclusions and seek alternatives. The fact that almost all qualified scientists believe global warming is occurring indicates that a lot of alternatives have been explored and found wanting.

Where in the actual study does it say agw does not exist? You or the media are making this up

Why would doing science make them anti-science?

Deniers are nuts.

EDIT: Why is your Update 3 directed at me? I said nothing at all about the trash propaganda site that you use as your source. I just think deniers are nuts for thinking that people that actually CARE about science would reject the work of these or any scientists.

Deniers are the ones that reject science because it doesn't fit in with their view of the world.


or are the AGW cultists going to spaz because the article isn on the Weekly Standard website?

Wrong, as usual, nitwit.

You could read the real article here --


-- but like all Deniers you lack the scientific knowledge, intellectual honesty, personal integrity, and capacity for skeptical thought necessary to understand it - and, besides; since Deniers read only lies, there;s no point in your wasting time reading science even if you could understand it,

Ya - keep telling the Billionaire lies about climate. It will make your winkie longer if you can lie deny global warming hard enough.