> What are the consequences of Global Warming on Canada?

What are the consequences of Global Warming on Canada?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Essay topic. Open to any ideas and opinions. Thanks.

Global warming is not happening.

But if it was Canada would be one country that would benefit a lot.

1 longer growing days increased agricultural output

2 Less energy required for heating

3 more land available for farming and habitat

It saddens me just how little the people on this site know about Canada. No wonder most don't know anything about global warming.

Canada is already feeling the effects of global warming as the far north warms which will very soon allow an ice free north west passage. This will allow far greater exploitation of the resources of the far north, which means countries like Russia, Norway, Sweden, Denmark and the US (Alaska) are all very interested in what is happening.

Global warming will not destroy our planet, but it will mean that the humans that live on this planet in the future will have to change with the climate. The bread basket of the Canadian prairies which now feeds not only Canadians but many around the world including the US, could well be a desert in the future.

Canada is the second largest country on the planet (Bigger than the United States) so the effects of the changing climate will be felt in just about as many ways as global warming will cause. From the mild west pacific coast in Vancouver to the Atlantic harbour of Halifax, sea levels and a changing fishery will have its effect.

As a Canadian I am concerned and wish our political leaders would stand and be counted but I am glad that I live here.

there is a lot covered in the links.

An interesting thought is that even if Canada becomes a great place, don't you think many others would try to invade, come over or fight to get what Canada has? Canada only has 30 million people, if the other 7 billion get angry, hungry and thirsty, Canada has no chance.

Economic prosperity due to increased agricultural production. If we can turn a desert like southern California into farmland then a thawed Canada will be just as good.

The earth was warmer before than it is now and life flourished as it always has in warmer climates. Why all of the sudden warming is so bad?

Essay? Sounds like you have some searching to do so you can do your own schoolwork

start with

Canad global warming impacts

Global Warming ended before December of 2012. The weather your getting now is a continuation of the 1970's before Global Warming. Get used to it. Satelites reported all iced areas are accumulating on different parts of earth. Mike

It is tempting to think that Canada would be a winner with global warming. But most of the area which is currently to cold for agriculture has soil which is too poor in nutrients and too acidic to grow any crops other than methane, unless millions of bison were to deposit plant food for thousands of years. And Canada is vulnerable to rising sea levels


and drought.


And if a killer heat wave can happen in Russia


it can happen in Canada.

A Thaw

Same as the rest of the world hotter temperatures melting snow and species that rely on certain climatic conditions will die out

Colder temperatures, warmer temperatures or temperatures will stay about the same. There will be more snow, or less snow or about the same amount of snow. There will be more rain, or less rain or about the same amount of rain. There will be more droughts, or less droughts or about the same amount of drought. The extent of wildfires which has been decreasing over the years will increase, stay about the same or continue to decrease. The sea level which has been slowly rising for the past 200 years or so, will continue to rise slowly, or quickly or may level off or decrease altogether.

Any of these scenarios occurring is definite proof that AGW is real.

Essay topic. Open to any ideas and opinions. Thanks.

none because it ain't happening