> Has there ever been so much money wasted on anything as idiotic as the non falsifiable AGW theory?

Has there ever been so much money wasted on anything as idiotic as the non falsifiable AGW theory?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
What's even more absurd is when you realize how long this scam has been going on. We've heard nothing but gloom and doom from the Climate Cultists for more than 30 years and they have been collecting hundreds of billions of tax dollars from governments around the world during this time.

Really --- how long does it take to measure the world's temperature? How many failed predictions do they get? All 73 of the climate models predicted warming and they are ALL wrong. And why did they get 73 chances to get it right? --- there should have been ONE climate model, not 73 --- yet with so many chances to get it right they STILL managed to get it WRONG. http://www.drroyspencer.com/wp-content/u...

It's well past time to cut all the funding for this scam.


One might argue that all money spent on research is a waste of taxpayer money, and indeed, in almost instances when mankind has endeavored to increase our knowledge of the world around us-and beyond-arguments have been made about what a waste of money and effort it is, usually in as vitriolic a way as you express your question today, or the general tone of the camp in opposition to climate research.

Based on this premise, you could even put forth the argument that money spent on education is a waste, because such a relatively small percentage of the population really takes advantage of it, and those who are so inclined-and therefore most likely to benefit their fellows by virtue of an education-would get that education regardless of public funds invested in it. Just as someone else here has put forward-in a most nasty way-public assistance is a great and idiotic waste because...well, apparently trying to help the needy takes money away from the wealthy against their will.

By following this logic, starvation of the poor, as occurred in the past, is preferable to risking the abuse of public welfare.

Now me, I could care less whether AGW is the primary driver of climate change, and I am not too enthusiastic about spending 14 trillion dollars to solve a problem we don't know enough about to say that the investment will benefit us either short or long term. I don't really think we're fighting much of anything except each other in a nasty war of words that has very little to do with science or climate-at least not in this venue. But, if we learn more about how weather and climate react to the variables imposed on them, I think that is a good thing.

Relatively speaking, I think there has been a LOT more money wasted on developing new ways of killing people. I wish we knew as much about weather as we do about dispatching human life.

What is this nonsense about AGW being non-falsifiable? Do you want to falsify AGW?

1. Show that carbon dioxide is not a greenhouse gas. Passed the test =/= non-falsifiable.

2. Use all of the remaining oil, gas and coal. If we are freezing rather than cooking, congratulations.

3. Find a new forcing that influences climate. Make graphs similar to these.


Draw one graph with carbon dioxide. Draw a second graph with carbon dioxide and the new forcing. Draw the third graph with the new forcing and without carbon dioxide. If the second graph fits the temperature data better than the first and the third matches temperature better still, the warming was caused by the new forcing and not carbon dioxide.

And, no, the new forcing is not the Sun.


Whatever USA and western countries do,it will not make a even small dent in CO2 concentrations


Libtards wasted trillions upon trillions on the war on poverty in the US yet poverty is at a 50 year high. That's about when the war on poverty began. Libtards think increasing spending and sending the US into bankruptcy is a strategic plan for success. It doesn't surprise me that they are just too stupid to look at the fact that there has been no global warming for 17 years and claim success for their policies that they managed to put in place in Europe. Yes. The AGW cultists had a golden opportunity to claim that the pause in global warming was due to their valiant efforts of raising taxes and initiating carbon credit schemes and China's 1 child per couple policy and it is working so the world needs more of it. Instead the AGW cultists deny the obvious and claim that we should believe them instead of out lying eyes.

*Edit* coming to the realization that the war on poverty is a complete and disasterous failure on every level and that raising taxes, destroying wealth, destroying freedom, creating a totalitarian world government full of unelected and unaccountable politicians, destroying capitalism will not do a damn thing to change the world's climate is not being close minded. It's an epiphany. Yet those same people that create and promote these failed utopian idealistic agendas think that forcing even more of it on society is going to fix everything. They live in a pretend world. That is libtarded.

By the way...Forcing the world into a binding UN agenda 21 scheme is not progress. It's a totalitarian nightmare.

** Oil companies bilking taxpayers with incentives? ROTFLMAO!! Have you any idea how much taxes the government gets from oil companies and fuel sales? I'll tell you how much. Enough for the government to allow fossil fuels to remain the dominant source for transportation energy until 2040 while giving the big middle finger to the AGW crowd. That's how much the government gets in tax revenue from Big oil. Meanwhile the same libtards politicians like Obama et al keep talking out both sides of their mouths like hypocrites on the issue while the government salivates over the taxes collected from them. Yet libtards keep voting for these deceitful liars for some reason.

kano ---

>>They are just shooting themselves in the foot.<<

Whatever happens with the climate - energy independence and efficiency, and modernizing our infrastructure are important to the furture success of all western nations.

Shooting yourself in the foot is pretending that something is not real when it is.

between the money thrown away on AGW and everything that Nobama spends, I guess a toss up. does he need a vacation yet, it has been 5 days since his last one

Nothing else comes to mind. I agree with another poster that the so-called "Study" of AGW has worn out its welcome.

$Billions of taxpayer dollars have been robbed from us by greedy scientists, universities and so-called "Green" enterprises.

Time for the so-called AGW leaches to go out and find a REAL job and stop sucking on the taxpayer tit!

you are certainly right about that

pay tax to a world bank for what

how does money change the climate

when people want money for something that cant be shown its called FRAUD


its geo-engineering that's run with these dollars and that is affecting weather changeo

Yes bilking the taxpayer by giving tax incentives to big oil and coal as well as their investors PLUS all the subsidies because they weren't making enough money That money dwarfs anything spent on AGW

Seriously. For all the good your tax dollars have made fighting Global Warming...er...Climate Change we could have just gathered all the money together in a giant pit and lit it all on fire. Sure people would have been angry to see their money go up in flames but at least it would have been a really nice fire.

There were several trillion dollars wasted looking for WMDs in Iraq.

Just because you don't understand falsifiable doesn't mean it's not falsifiable.