> How can we reduce the damage causded by the Long Haul travel and Climate Change?

How can we reduce the damage causded by the Long Haul travel and Climate Change?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
help!! this is for my geography

How can we reduce the damage causded by the Long Haul travel and Climate Change??

thanks :-)

Transport things by train instead of truck

Develop biofuels (such as biodiesel), and use those instead of fossil fuels

Consider using wind power for (at least part of) overseas transport, instead of relying purely on motors

And, of course, buy local, or at least as local as practical.

quit cutting down forests for industrial purposes and legalize hemp growing in the US. Make Tobacco illegal and switch to hemp. That alone would solve multitudes of problems. Also, as a long haul truck driver, believe me when I tell you that the industry is doing everything it can to reduce its carbon footprint.

We can reduce the number of people going to climate conferences to less than 40,000.

The change is already well underway.

5 to 8 years from now most long haul transport (railroad trains & semi trucks) will be burning compressed natural gas (CNG) instead of diesel fuel.



This change from diesel to methane is primarily being done for economic reasons, the significant reduction in GHG emissions is a positive side benefit.

Most carbon gases in the atmosphere result from animals breathing and farting. Cutting back on fossil fuels is a step in the right direction, but overall it will not make a great deal of difference. We need more trees to remove carbon from the atmosphere and store it in the form of wood. Over the past 3,000 years, we have removed and burned around two-thirds of the world's forests. We need to put them back. That will involve international cooperation on an unprecedented scale. The Sahara desert used to be tropical rain forest and we could convert it back. It would cost tens of billions of pounds - or about a quarter of what the world currently spends on weapons.

Always buy locally produced products whenever available. When this is not an option you can buy products that are produced closest to you. And, as Barry said, build and use more efficient engines and/or cleaner fuels.

By developing engines that produce less pollution.

What global warming? It's been cooling for at least 12 years.


Top climate scientists say there is no man-made Global Warming.

The Great Global Warming Swindle

help!! this is for my geography

How can we reduce the damage causded by the Long Haul travel and Climate Change??

thanks :-)