> !!!!!!Global warming is a myth!!!!!?

!!!!!!Global warming is a myth!!!!!?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Yes, but it's actually **man-made** Global Warming that is a myth. There was in fact a little natural warming for awhile but human activity had nothing to do with it. And now even that natural warming is on the decline.

It's been cooling for at least 12 years.


Top climate scientists say there is no man-made Global Warming.

The Great Global Warming Swindle

Joseph Goebbel,

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”

You have many people like Trevor who look down their noses at you and use bluster to make you think you are not worthy of a scientific opinion from their exulted position. People like Trevor claim to be scientific but when it comes down to the technicalities they give you copy and paste theory that has long been proven wrong. They want you to believe that it is sweltering outside when you know how you feel.

Here is where I caught Trev lying three times one one question.


Why would you even think of heeding anything that these people who live by Goebbels' principal say?

They have no proof. In fact the earth is getting colder.


At the same time the CO2 level has risen. The earth just has blown Al Gore's theory out of the water. That is what really counts. The earth not some con artist's bluster.

One logical fallacy is "Testimonial", it doesn't prove a thing and is unacceptable, and is usually a sharing of ignorance, not a method of finding truth or fact.

All the graphs and charts can be cooked by those with a political agenda. For the most part, the left assaults counter opinions with ad Hominem attacks, name calling. The left that pushes this hoax, and it is a hoax, uses slimy politicians like Al Gore, long bony finger liars like Bill Clinton, and misplaced Kenyans like Hussein Obama to further their cause.

I've been following the leftist hucksters pushing the man made climate change hoax for about 40 years. First they proclaimed that Global Cooling was an absolute truth. Then, a little more than 30 years ago they changed to Global Warming. They said that the sea level in areas along the west coast where I live would rise, and that within 10 years there would be a marked difference, and that in 20 years the ocean would invade coastal towns and cities that were of lower elevations.

Well, it's been 30 years and nothing has changed. That's right, the mean ocean level is the same and the mean ocean temperature is the same as its always been. I live within walking distance, less than a half mile from 8 miles of white sandy beach, and I have lived here since 1976. The ocean is so close to the highway at this point, that during a strong storm the ocean throws driftwood on the road. If their lies were true, the ocean and the town should be underwater by now. Part of the town is about 6 feet above sea level, and nothing has changed.

I've been interested in Climate Change because of the threat since I live here. Also,I have a minor in Earth Science so I know a little about the earth.

It's difficult to measure climate because one must select areas of the earth to take measurements, and they don't come out the same way. So, if the ocean is rising like they said it would 30 years ago, then show me! It doesn't take a climate scientist to see the truth.

Stanley edited just now

All the graphs and charts can be cooked by those with a political agenda. For the most part, the left assaults counter opinions with ad Hominem attacks, name calling. The left that pushes this hoax, and it is a hoax, uses slimy politicians like Al Gore, long bony finger liars like Bill Clinton, and misplaced Kenyans like Hussein Obama to further their cause.

I've been following the leftist hucksters pushing the man made climate change hoax for about 40 years. First they proclaimed that Global Cooling was an absolute truth. Then, a little more than 30 years ago they changed to Global Warming. They said that the sea level in areas along the west coast where I live would rise, and that within 10 years there would be a marked difference, and that in 20 years the ocean would invade coastal towns and cities that were of lower elevations.

Well, it's been 30 years and nothing has changed. That's right, the mean ocean level is the same and the mean ocean temperature is the same as its always been for the last 50 years or more. I live within walking distance, less than a half mile from 8 miles of white sandy beach, and I have lived here since 1976. The ocean is so close to the highway at this point, that during a strong storm the ocean throws driftwood on the road. If their lies were true, the highway and the town should be underwater by now. Part of the town is about 6 feet above sea level, and nothing has changed.

I've been interested in Climate Change because of the threat since I live here. Also, I have a minor in Earth Science so I know a little about the earth.

It's difficult to measure climate because one must select areas of the earth to take measurements, and they don't come out the same way. It gets warmer in one place and colder in another. So, if the ocean is rising like they said it would 30 years ago, then show me! It doesn't take a climate scientist to see the truth.

Most of the so-called Scientists promoting man caused global warming are blackmailed whores to the leftist politicians; and critical observation by even laymen can see that it is a political hoax.

Scientists are smart, and smart people usually right. 97% of the world's climate scientists say it's real, and our fault. Also, global warming leads to more extreme weather in the short term. So hotter summers, and potentially colder winters. And since every year for the last 10 years has been the warmest on record, you're clearly wrong.

Not a myth, a reality it is winter and it gets cold. The verdict isn't in for the year but the first 11 months of 2013 were tied with 2002 as the 2nd warmest Jan-Nov period globally so it hasn't been a cold year it is cold in N America but Argentina just went through a period of record highs and Australia also has extreme heat.

You need to get your facts straight instead of expressing your opinion

I am one of those scientists and I could explain to you in detail what the scientific proof of global warming is. However, your comments suggest that you have absolutely no desire to learn about such matters.

Further, the fact you confuse weather and climate and think that one small part of the US at one particular period in time is representative of the whole planet over a period of many decades demonstrates that you have absolutely no comprehension at all of anything even remotely climatic.

I could just as easily point out that where I am the temperatures have been above normal for months and we haven’t had a flake of snow all winter. I don’t because I know that this is irrelevant. Only ‘sceptics’ make an issue out of a few days of cold weather.

1. Weather does not equal climate.

2. Local conditions cannot be used to represent the rest of the world.

3. Glaciers continue to melt around the planet.

4. Arctic sea ice volume remains well below the 1979 baseline and continues its downward trend.

7. The continent of Australia is so far experiencing its warmest summer ever. Last year was its warmest year ever since records have been kept there.

5. The planet continues to warm. There is NO PAUSE!

6. The fossil fuel industries' marionettes should learn how to cut their strings and begin to act using their own intellect and not borrow it from it from others that have a huge financial vested interest to feed us their lies.

I'm not a Scientist. I'm Global Command / civilian of Global Teams from all walks of life. My Teams were the 2nd ones to find the true cause of Global Warming. My Teams were fired upon, so I took them out of their and had them extract sand from around their continents to keep the oceans from swallowing up too much dry land on all coastal continents on earth. In 2011 I figured out a solution to stop Global warming and in 2012 I gave it to the embassy of that nation where it was located and they implemented it and that turned off Global Warming in 2012. The weather your getting now is like it was in 1977 before Global Warming. To show Global warming was'nt a myth is to see how low all the iced areas including Glaciers much lower than it used to be. Now ICE is accumulating on all Iced areas of earth. The only way to locate such a precise location to melt only ICED areas was from outside Earth's ozone as earth rotates. I suggest you get used to this weather, because this is how it was before Global Warming. I grew up in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida and in the winter it got down to 32 degrees and us with only wall heater's. I went to school at Stranahan High. Take my word for it, because I know exactly what I'm Talking about, since I command the only Global Teams on earth. Global Command

Oh absolutely. global warming is a myth because Florida is cold in winter. You win this argument.

If its' getting colder then it's obviously due to AGW. Heat flux's and temperature differentials determine the high to low ranges with the influence of CO2 compared to natural variability. Which can only happen when the ranges fall between high and low parameters. That's unless it's weather not induced by such.

If you can't understand this, then your just another denier.

If global warming is a fact says arrogant "scientists" then why is this year so cold. I live in Florida and it freezing so all of you "scientist" get your facts right, the earth is getting colder. Please explain to me the "scientific" proof of global warming?

Global warming is as real as global cooling. It has happened many times in the past and many times in the future. However AGW is a political agenda driven fraud.

No it's not.

Global warming is happening


And we are causing it


First off your stupid. Global warming is its name it keeps earth hotter in summer and cooler in winter. All the information that I can give you can find on Google please look there.

I would but you're too stupid to understand, so I won't bother

this is a repeat question, anymore and it will be reported.