> Since there's been no "global warming" in the last 18 years,?

Since there's been no "global warming" in the last 18 years,?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
how long will the pause have to be before you no longer accept "global warming" is real?

Next summer on the ice, as the old saying goes. Wait! I think they skied last summer in Vermont.

To a greenie, regarding history they can't remember past yesterday. But to a scam, they have the mind of an elephant.

If 'the pause' goes on too much longer they might dig up the old imminent Ice Age rhetoric.

Life magazine of January 30, 1970, stated: “Scientists have solid experimental and theoretical evidence to support . . . predictions” such as: “In a decade, urban dwellers will have to wear gas masks to survive air pollution,” and “increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will affect earth’s temperature, leading to mass flooding or a new ice age.”

Oh that CO2, it is so fickle. Sometimes it causes an Ice Age, while other times it causes GW.

The problem is that we are curently at a bit of a low period. This is in spiute of people claiming the warmest years evah.

So the likely direction is upwards. The current pause just highlights the fact that the science is not as settled as some would like us to believe.

Global Warming is a bit like pushing a rock off a cliff. We have the "scientists" telling us what a good chap (creationist) Newton was and how he knew about acceleration due to gravity hundreds of years ago. We would get the lectures about the 9.81 m s-2. Then suddenly the rock hits the deck.

What we get is consternation. Oo er, it hasn't actually stopped, it is just going very slowly? (MPFS Dead Parrot anyone?). Or, it will resume very soon? Or our models did actually predict it. (That means, one of the models we never quoted before because it had funny results could be stretched to show a pause so we will use it just this once. That is why the "poor performing" ones are never dropped. You never know when they might be useful.)

I think the climate will continue to do its own thing irrespective of how much tax we pay and regardless of the tax's many names.

So, for now, it will just keep zig-zagging upwards until we approach the previous warms.

The earth normally goes though hot and cold cycles. There has also been a mass extinction due to one of them. It really isnt anything new. My enviromental science teacher was huge on global warming. I was almost kicked out of her class because I challanged her on the 'issues'. She never could give a satisfactory answer. She kept saying that it was a result of humans....which is a dumb retort as it doesnt matter who or what caused it. The fact of the matter is that it has happened before and it will happen again. Whether or not we are here after the change is a different story.

1000 years


Here are the latest satellite temperature data. It doesn't appear to be record hot but if you let alarmists tamper with the data, it might magically heat up.

I think after about 30 years, they may begin to scratch their collective (collectivist?) heads.

temps have hovered above average

you don't understand the difference between weather and climate

you just embarrassed yourself

who says there has been no global warming?

state your sources and try using facts rather than just denial

if you can provide any I'll happily and with relief accept that it has stopped and we can worry about how to keep it that way

The earth includes oceans. 2014 is a record hot year. Ice is melting.. Just a different reality

Why are denialists unwilling to check their own claims?


Some people will cling to that stuff forever.

how long will the pause have to be before you no longer accept "global warming" is real?