> Is Science integrity being ruined by Liberal bias?

Is Science integrity being ruined by Liberal bias?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Liberal politics have soiled the field of Climate Science. The really sad thing is that Liberal Universities and the Liberal "scientists" that work there are more than willing to afford themselves of $$Billions of hard-earned Taxpayer dollars, by providing bogus/worthless so-called 'research' that is custom-made to appease the expectations of the Liberal politicians/bureaucrats and their goal of controlling energy and increasing taxes.

My heart goes out to those scientists who have held/ on to their ethics and resisted entering the Dark-Side of science. These REAL scientists are among the victims of the CAGW Scandal.

"Not very, it seems, after noting that the Journal of Vibration and Control, a reputable academic publication, had to retract 60 different papers over the summer"

That's a single data point, of an unimportant and inconsequential journal.

If anything, by citing that at all, you've shown your lack of integrity on a personal basis.

Science is biased whenever any politics enters into the fray. Science is not biased. Science with even a tinch of politics is biased by its very nature. Now when you make that Liberal bias then since Liberalism is so radical and unresponsive to the truth you will find that there is no science and only propaganda.

Not just liberal-bias, it's POLITICAL bias that is hurting science, and that's both Politics as in Liberal, and Conservatives, as well as the Politics of legacy, siding with certain scientists/science, and research, rather than following the truth(which is what science should be).

The Lancet(a medical-publication) published an article on Fraud several years ago, and in a representative-poll the result was that almost 2 out of 3 Scientists, and Researchers had worked on research that had manipulated, or fabricated data.

Science integrity has always been challenged by the 'powers that be' whether political, social, or personal.

It is just more obvious now because the liberals are so blatant about it.

I think science is being ruined by greed. It appears like science is now for sale to the highest bidder. If the government gives you money to prove global warming, then guess what? You discover there's global warming. This was no different then the government funding experiments on military using mind control to win wars. There too, "scientists" discovered that mind control was possible. Surprise, Surprise, Surprise

Other way around Sparky. Conservatives and religious nuts have muzzled science.

"How reliable is academic research? Not very, it seems, after noting that the Journal of Vibration and Control, a reputable academic publication, had to retract 60 different papers over the summer."

"The academy has become a kind of club where friends give friends flattering assessments of research, which essentially guarantees promotions and tenure."

"A forthcoming article in Behavioral and Brain Sciences, published by Cambridge University Press, describes this problem in detail.

The article, whose lead author is New York University’s Jonathan Haidt, finds that academic psychology has lost nearly all of its political diversity in the last 50 years and that the validity of the discipline has been “undermined” as a result.

And while the authors note that greater political diversity would improve things, nonliberals face a “hostile climate and discrimination.”

"He estimates the resulting ratio of liberals to conservatives at 267:1. If anything, it was probably worse, since many conservatives don’t want to be “outed” to their colleagues."
