> How many species has global warming killed off already?

How many species has global warming killed off already?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Including all the species we don't even know existed, how many plants and animals are now extinct because of so-called "global warming"?

Zero, that is the number of species proven to be made extinct by AGW, however in the past I believe ice ages made some species go extinct.

Man and his land grabbing habits, and his introduction of invasive species, along with his hunting to death habits, have caused many species, such as the Dodo and the Passenger pigeon to be come extinct.

None tho many habitats are under going changes that could lead species unable to adapt to extinction. This happened durrig the end of the last ice age when many ice age mega fauna went extinct unable to survive the warmer climate.

What if the number was zero? If Earth continues to warm, it isn't a matter of if, but when.

I'm going with a guru of all things science billions and billions maybe even trillions

All of them. We are so far past the tipping point we are all going to be died in a year or 2.

Including all the species we don't even know existed, how many plants and animals are now extinct because of so-called "global warming"?