> Is global warming really natural?

Is global warming really natural?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 


The earth is warmer mainly through natural causes, man-made warming through CO2 is calculated to be 0.7 degrees C.

Plus as CO2's effect logarithmically reduces as concentrations increase not much more warming is possible, a doubling to 800ppm would give us about an extra 0.1C more.


Not only was the Medieval period was warmer, the Eemian period was a lot warmer, and primitive man at that time was migrating out of Africa.


Yes it is.

And you shouldn't believe anything you read at SkepticalScience.com, (the site where even it's name is a lie, they are not skeptics), that is actually a Warmist's propaganda site. Deceptively named to make you think they are skeptics, they are not. They are hardcore AGW advocates.

But yes, the recent slight warming over the last several decades or so was totally natural. And well with the range of natural variability.

If you would like to understand all the details, this video is very good. Many climate scientists appear and these are the honest ones not getting paid to prop-up man-made Global Warming.

The Great Global Warming Swindle

Yes it is natural. It is like any other activity on earth that that varies with time. If it is man made then how glaciers are affected when there where no aggressive activities are done by the man.

It is natural for the Earth to go through periods of cooling and warming, however; the current state of accelerated warming is due to man made greenhouse gas emissions. 97% of climatologists (published climatologists) are in agreement about this being due to human emissions.

skepticalscience is a great place to see the DA denier BS debunked

It's natural for right wing morons to tell the MYTH lie for their Billionaire Masters.

Pay no attention to Madd Maxx' ad hom against skepticalscience. Skeptical =/= denialist. They are skeptical of global warming skepticism.

honestly i think its us humans doing it with all the **** we do to the earth. lol
