> Whose prediction is closest Don Easterbrook or the IPCC?

Whose prediction is closest Don Easterbrook or the IPCC?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Notice that Gary's climate chart has a warming of about 1C per century as the IPCC prediction. I'm comfortable with that being more accurate than Easterbrook's prediction, but I don't think that is what the IPCC has been predicting.

Also to consider is the Akasofu prediction, a natural warming with an oscillation.

Esterbrook is a diehard denier trained as a geologist NOT a climatologist. He thinks a little ice age is coming and has been associated with heartland so his prediction is worthless

PSSS You don't use a stand alone graph as pproof of anything, link to the page that has the legend so it can be interpreted and know where it came from

The troposphere is now about 0.3 degrees warmer than the beginning of 2000 (that's about 2 degrees per decade). And that's just the Troposphere, not even including the oceans where 90% of the warming goes.

Easterbrook should be embarrassed. He must have published his astronomical predictions in a geology journal because the environmental journals wouldn't take it because is was so obviously wrong. And now the facts show him wrong.

WUWT should be embarrassed having that on their site. Anyone who links too it looks foolish.

The IPCC does not make predictions, the body assesses other research. The 2001 report did cite many models. The mean was a projection of about +0.5 degrees over 20 years. Clearly the models cited by the IPCC were much much closer than Easterbrooks.

Kano, do you mind if I source your image for you? WUWT? - http://wattsupwiththat.com/2014/02/05/pr...

Are you and Anthony still pen pals?

Who is Dr. Don Easterbrook? According to Anthony's site he is a climate scientist and a glacier expert. Is he really? This says he is a geology professor - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Don_Easterb...

How about this? http://www.skepticalscience.com/don-east...

He is also a UN IPCC reviewer, but the IPCC is biased, right? This is from another psuedo-science website, so maybe their facts are not quite up to par? http://www.climatedepot.com/2013/10/04/u...

Even Dr. Easterbrook himself says he is a geologist. http://www.naturalclimatechange.us/Don%2... Yet, on Anthony's website he a climate scientist and a glacier expert? On Anthony's site, I guess he would be! :)

Easterbrook, without a doubt. The IPCC should be prosecuted. Especially if we are on the edge of a steep slide.

Nice graph. too bad it's not based on reality. from your graph it looks like the year 2000 was the coldest year in the satellite record.


What I would say is the graph is false. The IPCC estimate in the graph is closer to reality if all data sets are taken into account. since 2000, though the trend in warming has slowed, only in the RSS data set do they show cooling over the time period. And the amount of cooling is less than 0.02C.


Far from the cooling trend displayed in the graph. The amount of warming by IPCC estimates is about 0.1C to 0.2C over the time period.

Pegminer: According to the graph the 1990s was the warmest decade on record. And whose to argue with a graph from WUWT?

Where is this "cooling" that was predicted? The last time I checked, the past decade was the warmest on record.

That would be the IPCC.


“And so in 2000, I published a paper with the Geological Society of America in which I predicted that we were going to stop warming and begin cooling for about 25 or 30 years, on the basis of taking the temperature records that go back a century or more and simply repeating the pattern of warming and cooling, warming and cooling, and so on.
