> Has climate change affected you locally?

Has climate change affected you locally?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
I think that's a very difficult question to answer. Unless you live near a retreating glacier or the Arctic Sea, it's very difficult to know for sure if what you're seeing is climate change or natural variability. In general I believe people's memories are not reliable at all with regard to weather. Some types of weather are much more memorable than others.

With those caveats in mind, iIn the past decade, there have been more extreme fire events where I live than in the past. While changes in fire management play a part in these fires, the weather conditions that generated them were extreme when measured by an objective criterion that is independent of fire management. This could still just be a statistical variation, or even a problem with past weather data, but it is very suggestive that climate change is occurring.

I can't really say that I have noticed any difference and I was here 50 years ago, too.

The last 15 years or so, the scientists say there has been an infinitesimally small increase in deep ocean temperature. It is difficult to see how that would affect the surface without the surface changing temperature as well.

Also, prior to that, most of the alleged increase was due to polar night time temperatures not being quite as cold. Not places I go at that time of day.

Still, if you know someone who was in the USA in the 1930s you should ask them if the 1930s are getting cooler now - just like the constantly adjusted figures from NASA GISS suggest!

Yes, climate change is effecting everyone in the US from Katrina to Sandy to the onslaught of massive several mile wide tornadoes that have ravaged Tuscaloosa, Joplin and recently the entire midwest. Beyond their being 400 PPM of carbon in the atmosphere now, there is also a higher density of moisture in the air meaning more storms and more intensity as well as higher humidity.

Sea levels are at least a foot higher than they were 100 years ago which made hurricane sandy's storm surge so strong

I am in CT USA and I am waiting to be sipping Mai Tai's under the palm trees and no soap. I keep hoping but all I get is blizzards and cold temps till late June. So no it hasn't affected me and considering my luck it won't in my lifetime.

Yes, I believe it has in a multitude of ways, most of which would be difficult to ascribe to 'Climate Change' per se, but are certainly long term weather trends that show no signs of reversing; in fact, extreme weather events are increasing here in southern Minnesota.

That being said, the most objective measure of climate change itself here-regardless of the cause-is the northward movement of hardiness zones as measured by the USDA. Here is a link to their website, which may have some additional information for you:


No and there is no proof Man made climate change caused Sandy or recent tornado's.

That's just the empty headed liberal news casters saying that .

yup! where I come from, its always hot then the next day it turns cold..then the next day it becomes hot again. It's getting pretty annoying...Make up your mind weather!!!

Nothing out of the ordinary here in the heartland of the U.S.


Top climate scientists say there is no man-made Global Warming.

The Great Global Warming Swindle

LOL, Look what it did to your leader

They say that climate change is most noticeable in the northern climes of the world, where polar ice caps are melting, sea ice is disappearing, and the like. But has climate change affected you in your community? Have you noticed a slow, gradual change throughout the years?

For myself, I've lived in rural southern Ontario, Canada all of my life. It's supposed to be a temperate region. When I was a child, the winters were longer, colder, and they involved a lot more snow. Our summers were hot, but not unbearably. Now, winter starts about a month later and ends about a month sooner. Fall and spring have all but disappeared. Summer is very hot and after several days of humidity we'll get a severe thunderstorm, the like I've which never used to occur when I was younger. They destroy trees that have stood for decades and rip barns to shreds. Sometimes we get tornadoes, which never used to happen and when Hurricane Sandy flew up the eastern seaboard we got heavy wind. Rural areas are almost becoming lush jungles, with plants that thrive in warmer areas making their way to our region. Frogs and turtles, common in this area, are growing huge! Much larger then they were 20 years ago.

I'm certainly not an expert on climate change, but I'm not the only one whose noticed these changes. Older folks in my area tell me that 50 years ago it was completely different, with spring and fall actually being seasons. A lot of people are saying our weather is starting to become similar to the American South.

What about you? Have you noticed any changes in your community?

No and neither have you.