> Is global warming the likely cause for yet another dry winter in Calif?

Is global warming the likely cause for yet another dry winter in Calif?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Although there was considerable rain last year, it's been warm and dry since then.

It appears that storms are being pushed farther north.

Does global warming cause that to happen?

I thin it has more to do with the current state of the ENSO cycle and the PDO. Expect this to continue to occur for the next decade or so. Or at least until El Ninos become the new norm with a positive PDO. Does this mean AGW has no effect? No of course not. All weather currently happening on the planet happens in a world tat is 0.85C warmer, globally, than it was over a century ago so it has some effect no matter how small.

California has always had droughts, some much worse and lasting a long time in the past.

I think California is affected by changing conditions in the Pacific ocean more than anything else, El Nino years are generally wetter.

No. California is a big desert and the vegetation is artificially irrigated by water we bought elsewhere.

Absolutely not.

Although there was considerable rain last year, it's been warm and dry since then.

It appears that storms are being pushed farther north.

Does global warming cause that to happen?